On preordered fields related to Hilbert's 17th problem.
We prove that for every n ∈ ℕ the space M(K(x 1, …, x n) of ℝ-places of the field K(x 1, …, x n) of rational functions of n variables with coefficients in a totally Archimedean field K has the topological covering dimension dimM(K(x 1, …, x n)) ≤ n. For n = 2 the space M(K(x 1, x 2)) has covering and integral dimensions dimM(K(x 1, x 2)) = dimℤ M(K(x 1, x 2)) = 2 and the cohomological dimension dimG M(K(x 1, x 2)) = 1 for any Abelian 2-divisible coefficient group G.
We prove that on the basis of ZF the ultrafilter theorem and the theorem of Artin-Schreier are equivalent. The latter says that every formally real field admits a total order.
We introduce ordered rings and fields following Artin-Schreier’s approach using positive cones. We show that such orderings coincide with total order relations and give examples of ordered (and non ordered) rings and fields. In particular we show that polynomial rings can be ordered in (at least) two different ways [8, 5, 4, 9]. This is the continuation of the development of algebraic hierarchy in Mizar [2, 3].