Displaying 201 – 220 of 417

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On Bhargava rings

Mohamed Mahmoud Chems-Eddin, Omar Ouzzaouit, Ali Tamoussit (2023)

Mathematica Bohemica

Let D be an integral domain with the quotient field K , X an indeterminate over K and x an element of D . The Bhargava ring over D at x is defined to be 𝔹 x ( D ) : = { f K [ X ] : for all a D , f ( x X + a ) D [ X ] } . In fact, 𝔹 x ( D ) is a subring of the ring of integer-valued polynomials over D . In this paper, we aim to investigate the behavior of 𝔹 x ( D ) under localization. In particular, we prove that 𝔹 x ( D ) behaves well under localization at prime ideals of D , when D is a locally finite intersection of localizations. We also attempt a classification of integral domains D ...

On extending C k functions from an open set to with applications

Walter D. Burgess, Robert M. Raphael (2023)

Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal

For k { } and U open in , let C k ( U ) be the ring of real valued functions on U with the first k derivatives continuous. It is shown that for f C k ( U ) there is g C ( ) with U coz g and h C k ( ) with f g | U = h | U . The function f and its k derivatives are not assumed to be bounded on U . The function g is constructed using splines based on the Mollifier function. Some consequences about the ring C k ( ) are deduced from this, in particular that Q cl ( C k ( ) ) = Q ( C k ( ) ) .

Currently displaying 201 – 220 of 417