Anneaux presque intégralement clos
Nous montrons ici un théorème d’approximation diophantienne entre le corps des séries formelles en plusieurs variables et son complété pour la topologie de Krull.
Let ⊆ be ideals of a Noetherian ring R, and let N be a non-zero finitely generated R-module. The set Q̅*(,N) of quintasymptotic primes of with respect to N was originally introduced by McAdam. Also, it has been shown by Naghipour and Schenzel that the set of associated primes is finite. The purpose of this paper is to show that the topology on N defined by is finer than the topology defined by if and only if is disjoint from the quintasymptotic primes of with respect to N. Moreover, we show...
Let be a commutative ring with identity. If a ring is contained in an arbitrary union of rings, then is contained in one of them under various conditions. Similarly, if an arbitrary intersection of rings is contained in , then contains one of them under various conditions.