Displaying 21 – 40 of 77

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Maximal non valuation domains in an integral domain

Rahul Kumar, Atul Gaur (2020)

Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal

Let R be a commutative ring with unity. The notion of maximal non valuation domain in an integral domain is introduced and characterized. A proper subring R of an integral domain S is called a maximal non valuation domain in S if R is not a valuation subring of S , and for any ring T such that R T S , T is a valuation subring of S . For a local domain S , the equivalence of an integrally closed maximal non VD in S and a maximal non local subring of S is established. The relation between dim ( R , S ) and the number...

Models of group schemes of roots of unity

A. Mézard, M. Romagny, D. Tossici (2013)

Annales de l’institut Fourier

Let 𝒪 K be a discrete valuation ring of mixed characteristics ( 0 , p ) , with residue field k . Using work of Sekiguchi and Suwa, we construct some finite flat 𝒪 K -models of the group scheme μ p n , K of p n -th roots of unity, which we call Kummer group schemes. We carefully set out the general framework and algebraic properties of this construction. When k is perfect and 𝒪 K is a complete totally ramified extension of the ring of Witt vectors W ( k ) , we provide a parallel study of the Breuil-Kisin modules of finite flat models...

On a non-vanishing Ext

Laszlo Fuchs, Saharon Shelah (2003)

Rendiconti del Seminario Matematico della Università di Padova

On proximity relations for valuations dominating a two-dimensional regular local ring.

José J. Aparicio, Angel Granja, Tomás Sánchez-Giralda (1999)

Revista Matemática Iberoamericana

The purpose of this paper is to define a new numerical invariant of valuations centered in a regular two-dimensional regular local ring. For this, we define a sequence of non-negative rational numbers δν = {δν(j)}j ≥ 0 which is determined by the proximity relations of the successive quadratic transformations at the points determined by a valuation ν. This sequence is characterized by seven combinatorial properties, so that any sequence of non-negative rational numbers having the above properties...

On some issues concerning polynomial cycles

Tadeusz Pezda (2013)

Communications in Mathematics

We consider two issues concerning polynomial cycles. Namely, for a discrete valuation domain R of positive characteristic (for N 1 ) or for any Dedekind domain R of positive characteristic (but only for N 2 ), we give a closed formula for a set 𝒞 Y C L ( R , N ) of all possible cycle-lengths for polynomial mappings in R N . Then we give a new property of sets 𝒞 Y C L ( R , 1 ) , which refutes a kind of conjecture posed by W. Narkiewicz.

Currently displaying 21 – 40 of 77