Displaying 101 – 120 of 205

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On the necessity of Reidemeister move 2 for simplifying immersed planar curves

Tobias Hagge, Jonathan Yazinski (2014)

Banach Center Publications

In 2001, motivated by his results on finite-type knot diagram invariants, Östlund conjectured that Reidemeister moves 1 and 3 are sufficient to describe a homotopy from any generic immersion S¹ → ℝ² to the standard embedding of the circle. We show that this conjecture is false.

On the smallest degree of a surface containing a space curve

Margherita Roggero, Paolo Valabrega (1998)

Bollettino dell'Unione Matematica Italiana

Sia C una curva dello spazio di grado D contenuta in una superficie di grado r e non in una di grado r - 1 . Se C è integra, allora r 6 D - 2 - 2 ; questo limite superiore, raggiunto in alcuni casi (cfr. [5]), non vale però per curve arbitrarie (cfr. [?, 3 (iii)]). Ogni curva C dello spazio (anche non ridotta o riducibile) può essere ottenuta come schema degli zero di una sezione non nulla di un opportuno fascio riflessivo F di rango 2. Mediante i fasci riflessivi, siamo in grado di estendere alle curve riducibili...

On vanishing inflection points of plane curves

Mauricio Garay (2002)

Annales de l’institut Fourier

We study the local behaviour of inflection points of families of plane curves in the projective plane. We develop normal forms and versal deformation concepts for holomorphic function germs f : ( 2 , 0 ) ( , 0 ) which take into account the inflection points of the fibres of f . We give a classification of such function- germs which is a projective analog of Arnold’s A,D,E classification. We compute the versal deformation with respect to inflections of Morse function-germs.

Orbifold principal bundles on an elliptic fibration and parabolic principal bundles on a Riemann surface.

Indranil Biswas (2003)

Collectanea Mathematica

Let X be a compact Riemann surface and associated to each point p-i of a finite subset S of X is a positive integer m-i. Fix an elliptic curve C. To this data we associate a smooth elliptic surface Z fibered over X. The group C acts on Z with X as the quotient. It is shown that the space of all vector bundles over Z equipped with a lift of the action of C is in bijective correspondence with the space of all parabolic bundles over X with parabolic structure over S and the parabolic weights at any...

Plane curves with small linear orbits, I

Paoli Aluffi, Carel Faber (2000)

Annales de l'institut Fourier

The “linear orbit” of a plane curve of degree d is its orbit in d ( d + 3 ) / 2 under the natural action of PGL ( 3 ) . In this paper we compute the degree of the closure of the linear orbits of most curves with positive dimensional stabilizers. Our tool is a nonsingular variety dominating the orbit closure, which we construct by a blow-up sequence mirroring the sequence yielding an embedded resolution of the curve. The results given here will serve as an ingredient in the computation of the analogous information for...

Plane projections of a smooth space curve

Trygve Johnsen (1996)

Banach Center Publications

Let C be a smooth non-degenerate integral curve of degree d and genus g in 3 over an algebraically closed field of characteristic zero. For each point P in 3 let V P be the linear system on C induced by the hyperplanes through P. By V P one maps C onto a plane curve C P , such a map can be seen as a projection of C from P. If P is not the vertex of a cone of bisecant lines, then C P will have only finitely many singular points; or to put it slightly different: The secant scheme S P = ( V P ) 2 1 parametrizing divisors in...

Preperiodic dynatomic curves for z z d + c

Yan Gao (2016)

Fundamenta Mathematicae

The preperiodic dynatomic curve n , p is the closure in ℂ² of the set of (c,z) such that z is a preperiodic point of the polynomial z z d + c with preperiod n and period p (n,p ≥ 1). We prove that each n , p has exactly d-1 irreducible components, which are all smooth and have pairwise transverse intersections at the singular points of n , p . We also compute the genus of each component and the Galois group of the defining polynomial of n , p .

Currently displaying 101 – 120 of 205