O křivce zápalové
We study the Hilbert scheme of smooth connected curves on a smooth del Pezzo -fold . We prove that any degenerate curve , i.e. any curve contained in a smooth hyperplane section of , does not deform to a non-degenerate curve if the following two conditions are satisfied: (i) and (ii) for every line on such that , the normal bundle is trivial (i.e. ). As a consequence, we prove an analogue (for ) of a conjecture of J. O. Kleppe, which is concerned with non-reduced components...
We know well difference Picard-Vessiot theory, Galois theory of linear difference equations. We propose a general Galois theory of difference equations that generalizes Picard-Vessiot theory. For every difference field extension of characteristic , we attach its Galois group, which is a group of coordinate transformation.
We apply the General Galois Theory of difference equations introduced in the first part to concrete examples. The General Galois Theory allows us to define a discrete dynamical system being infinitesimally solvable, which is a finer notion than being integrable. We determine all the infinitesimally solvable discrete dynamical systems on the compact Riemann surfaces.