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Smooth double subvarieties on singular varieties, III

M. R. Gonzalez-Dorrego (2016)

Banach Center Publications

Let k be an algebraically closed field, char k = 0. Let C be an irreducible nonsingular curve such that rC = S ∩ F, r ∈ ℕ, where S and F are two surfaces and all the singularities of F are of the form z ³ = x 3 s - y 3 s , s ∈ ℕ. We prove that C can never pass through such kind of singularities of a surface, unless r = 3a, a ∈ ℕ. We study multiplicity-r structures on varieties r ∈ ℕ. Let Z be a reduced irreducible nonsingular (n-1)-dimensional variety such that rZ = X ∩ F, where X is a normal n-fold, F is a (N-1)-fold...

Some topological conditions for projective algebraic manifolds with degenerate dual varieties: connections with 𝐏 -bundles

Antonio Lanteri, Daniele Struppa (1984)

Atti della Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei. Classe di Scienze Fisiche, Matematiche e Naturali. Rendiconti Lincei. Matematica e Applicazioni

Si illustrano alcune relazioni tra le varietà proiettive complesse con duale degenere, le varietà la cui topologia si riflette in quella della sezione iperpiana in misura maggiore dell'ordinario e le varietà fibrate in spazi lineari su di una curva.

Subsheaves of the cotangent bundle

Paolo Cascini (2006)

Open Mathematics

For any smooth projective variety, we study a birational invariant, defined by Campana which depends on the Kodaira dimension of the subsheaves of the cotangent bundle of the variety and its exterior powers. We provide new bounds for a related invariant in any dimension and in particular we show that it is equal to the Kodaira dimension of the variety, in dimension up to 4, if this is not negative.

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