The Picard Group of a complex quotient variety.
Let Γ be a finite-dimensional hereditary basic algebra. We consider the radical rad Γ as a Γ-bimodule. It is known that there exists a quasi-hereditary algebra 𝓐 such that the category of matrices over rad Γ is equivalent to the category of Δ-filtered 𝓐-modules ℱ(𝓐,Δ). In this note we determine the quasi-hereditary algebra 𝓐 and prove certain properties of its module category.
We classify all complex - and -dimensional dual mock-Lie algebras by the algebraic and geometric way. Also, we find all non-trivial complex -dimensional dual mock-Lie algebras.
Using geometrical methods, Huisgen-Zimmermann showed that if M is a module with simple top, then M has no proper degeneration such that for all t. Given a module M with square-free top and a projective cover P, she showed that if and only if M has no proper degeneration where M/M ≃ N/N. We prove here these results in a more general form, for hom-order instead of degeneration-order, and we prove them algebraically. The results of Huisgen-Zimmermann follow as consequences from our results....
Classes dual to Schubert cycles constitute a basis on the cohomology ring of the flag manifold F, self-adjoint up to indexation with respect to the intersection form. Here, we study the bilinear form (X,Y) :=〈X·Y, c(F)〉 where X,Y are cocycles, c(F) is the total Chern class of F and〈,〉 is the intersection form. This form is related to a twisted action of the symmetric group of the cohomology ring, and to the degenerate affine Hecke algebra. We give a distinguished basis for this form, which is a...
For the Grothendieck group of a split simple linear algebraic group, the twisted γ-filtration provides a useful tool for constructing torsion elements in -rings of twisted flag varieties. In this paper, we construct a non-trivial torsion element in the γ-ring of a complete flag variety twisted by means of a PGO-torsor. This generalizes the construction in the HSpin case previously obtained by Zainoulline.