Morphisms, line bundles and moduli spaces in real algebraic geometry
Let be an integral convex polygon. G. Mikhalkin introduced the notion ofHarnack curves, a class of real algebraic curves, defined by polynomials supported on and contained in the corresponding toric surface. He proved their existence, viaViro’s patchworkingmethod, and that the topological type of their real parts is unique (and determined by ). This paper is concerned with the description of the analogous statement in the case of a smoothing of a real plane branch . We introduce the class...
A Nash cohomology class on a compact Nash manifold is a mod 2 cohomology class whose Poincaré dual homology class can be represented by a Nash subset. We find a canonical way to define Nash cohomology classes on an arbitrary compact smooth manifold M. Then the Nash cohomology ring of M is compared to the ring of algebraic cohomology classes on algebraic models of M. This is related to three conjectures concerning algebraic cohomology classes.
We prove that the number of distinct homotopy types of limits of one-parameter semi-algebraic families of closed and bounded semi-algebraic sets is bounded singly exponentially in the additive complexity of any quantifier-free first order formula defining the family. As an important consequence, we derive that the number of distinct homotopy types of semi-algebraic subsets of defined by a quantifier-free first order formula , where the sum of the additive complexities of the polynomials appearing...
We estimate the expected value of the gradient degree of certain Gaussian random polynomials in two variables and discuss its relations with some other numerical invariants of random polynomials
Let Y be a real algebraic subset of and be a polynomial map. We show that there exist real polynomial functions on such that the Euler characteristic of fibres of is the sum of signs of .
The paper is concerned with the relations between real and complex topological invariants of germs of real-analytic functions. We give a formula for the Euler characteristic of the real Milnor fibres of a real-analytic germ in terms of the Milnor numbers of appropriate functions.
Sia con una funzione analitica. Se il luogo critico di è compatto, esiste una fibrazione localmente triviale associata ai livelli . Supponiamo e sia la proiezione . Sotto una condizione sul luogo critico di esiste anche una fibrazione localmente triviale associata ai livelli di . Siano e le fibre rispettitive, e l'intervallo unità reale. Dimostriamo qui che è omeomorfa al prodotto . Nel caso di polinomi studiamo criteri effettivi. Diamo inoltre un'applicazione del risultato...
We show that there is a large class of nonspecial effective divisors of relatively small degree on real algebraic curves having many real components i.e. on M-curves. We apply to 1. complete linear systems on M-curves containing divisors with entirely real support, and 2. morphisms of M-curves into P1.
Let V be a real algebraic manifold of positive dimension. The aim of this paper is to show that, for every integer b (arbitrarily large), there exists a trivial Nash family of real algebraic manifolds such that V₀ = V, is an algebraic family of real algebraic manifolds over (possibly singular over y = 0) and is perfectly parametrized by in the sense that is birationally nonisomorphic to for every with y ≠ z. A similar result continues to hold if V is a singular real algebraic set.
We show that, if a meromorphic function of degree at most four on a real algebraic curve of an arbitrary genus has only real critical points, then it is conjugate to a real meromorphic function by a suitable projective automorphism of the image.