Displaying 301 – 320 of 456

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Aggregation/disaggregation method for safety models

Štěpán Klapka, Petr Mayer (2002)

Applications of Mathematics

The paper concerns the possibilities for mathematical modelling of safety related systems (equipment oriented on safety). Some mathematical models have been required by the present European Standards for the railway transport. We are interested in the possibility of using Markov’s models to meet these Standards. In the text an example of using that method in the interlocking equipment life cycle is given. An efficient aggregation/disaggregation method for computing some characteristics of Markov...

Alcune osservazioni sul rango numerico per operatori non lineari

Jürgen Appell, G. Conti, Paola Santucci (1999)

Mathematica Bohemica

We discuss some numerical ranges for Lipschitz continuous nonlinear operators and their relations to spectral sets. In particular, we show that the spectrum defined by Kachurovskij (1969) for Lipschitz continuous operators is contained in the so-called polynomial hull of the numerical range introduced by Rhodius (1984).

Alcune osservazioni sulle forme trilineari

Federico Bartolozzi (2003)

Bollettino dell'Unione Matematica Italiana

Si studiano, nell'ambito della teoria delle forme trilineari, le cosidette 3 -forme simmetriche, pervenendo ad un teorema di struttura utile per una possibile classificazione, ancora inesistente, di tali 3 -forme.

Algebraic and topological properties of some sets in ℓ₁

Taras Banakh, Artur Bartoszewicz, Szymon Głąb, Emilia Szymonik (2012)

Colloquium Mathematicae

For a sequence x ∈ ℓ₁∖c₀₀, one can consider the set E(x) of all subsums of the series n = 1 x ( n ) . Guthrie and Nymann proved that E(x) is one of the following types of sets: () a finite union of closed intervals; () homeomorphic to the Cantor set; homeomorphic to the set T of subsums of n = 1 b ( n ) where b(2n-1) = 3/4ⁿ and b(2n) = 2/4ⁿ. Denote by ℐ, and the sets of all sequences x ∈ ℓ₁∖c₀₀ such that E(x) has the property (ℐ), () and ( ), respectively. We show that ℐ and are strongly -algebrable and is -lineable. We...

Algebraic conditions for t -tough graphs

Bo Lian Liu, Siyuan Chen (2010)

Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal

We give some algebraic conditions for t -tough graphs in terms of the Laplacian eigenvalues and adjacency eigenvalues of graphs.

Algebraic Connections and Curvature in Fibrations Bundles of Associative Algebras

Igor M. Burlakov (2016)

Acta Universitatis Palackianae Olomucensis. Facultas Rerum Naturalium. Mathematica

In this article fibrations of associative algebras on smooth manifolds are investigated. Sections of these fibrations are spinor, co spinor and vector fields with respect to a gauge group. Invariant differentiations are constructed and curvature and torsion of invariant differentiations are calculated.

Algebraic connectivity of k -connected graphs

Stephen J. Kirkland, Israel Rocha, Vilmar Trevisan (2015)

Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal

Let G be a k -connected graph with k 2 . A hinge is a subset of k vertices whose deletion from G yields a disconnected graph. We consider the algebraic connectivity and Fiedler vectors of such graphs, paying special attention to the signs of the entries in Fiedler vectors corresponding to vertices in a hinge, and to vertices in the connected components at a hinge. The results extend those in Fiedler’s papers Algebraic connectivity of graphs (1973), A property of eigenvectors of nonnegative symmetric...

Algebraic restrictions on geometric realizations of curvature models

Corey Dunn, Zoë Smith (2021)

Archivum Mathematicum

We generalize a previous result concerning the geometric realizability of model spaces as curvature homogeneous spaces, and investigate applications of this approach. We find algebraic restrictions to realize a model space as a curvature homogeneous space up to any order, and study the implications of geometrically realizing a model space as a locally symmetric space. We also present algebraic restrictions to realize a curvature model as a homothety curvature homogeneous space up to even orders,...

Algebraic solution to box-constrained bi-criteria problem of rating alternatives through pairwise comparisons

Nikolai Krivulin (2022)


We consider a decision-making problem to evaluate absolute ratings of alternatives that are compared in pairs according to two criteria, subject to box constraints on the ratings. The problem is formulated as the log-Chebyshev approximation of two pairwise comparison matrices by a common consistent matrix (a symmetrically reciprocal matrix of unit rank), to minimize the approximation errors for both matrices simultaneously. We rearrange the approximation problem as a constrained bi-objective optimization...

Currently displaying 301 – 320 of 456