Displaying 301 – 320 of 428

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On the inertia sets of some symmetric sign patterns

C. M. da Fonseca (2006)

Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal

A matrix whose entries consist of elements from the set { + , - , 0 } is a sign pattern matrix. Using a linear algebra theoretical approach we generalize of some recent results due to Hall, Li and others involving the inertia of symmetric tridiagonal sign matrices.

On the inverse of the adjacency matrix of a graph

Alexander Farrugia, John Baptist Gauci, Irene Sciriha (2013)

Special Matrices

A real symmetric matrix G with zero diagonal encodes the adjacencies of the vertices of a graph G with weighted edges and no loops. A graph associated with a n × n non–singular matrix with zero entries on the diagonal such that all its (n − 1) × (n − 1) principal submatrices are singular is said to be a NSSD. We show that the class of NSSDs is closed under taking the inverse of G. We present results on the nullities of one– and two–vertex deleted subgraphs of a NSSD. It is shown that a necessary...

On the limiting empirical measure of eigenvalues of the sum of rank one matrices with log-concave distribution

A. Pajor, L. Pastur (2009)

Studia Mathematica

We consider n × n real symmetric and hermitian random matrices Hₙ that are sums of a non-random matrix H ( 0 ) and of mₙ rank-one matrices determined by i.i.d. isotropic random vectors with log-concave probability law and real amplitudes. This is an analog of the setting of Marchenko and Pastur [Mat. Sb. 72 (1967)]. We prove that if mₙ/n → c ∈ [0,∞) as n → ∞, and the distribution of eigenvalues of H ( 0 ) and the distribution of amplitudes converge weakly, then the distribution of eigenvalues of Hₙ converges...

On the linear capacity of algebraic cones

Marcin Skrzyński (2002)

Mathematica Bohemica

We define the linear capacity of an algebraic cone, give basic properties of the notion and new formulations of certain known results of the Matrix Theory. We derive in an explicit way the formula for the linear capacity of an irreducible component of the zero cone of a quadratic form over an algebraically closed field. We also give a formula for the linear capacity of the cone over the conjugacy class of a “generic” non-nilpotent matrix.

On the matrices of central linear mappings

Hans Havlicek (1996)

Mathematica Bohemica

We show that a central linear mapping of a projectively embedded Euclidean n -space onto a projectively embedded Euclidean m -space is decomposable into a central projection followed by a similarity if, and only if, the least singular value of a certain matrix has multiplicity 2 m - n + 1 . This matrix is arising, by a simple manipulation, from a matrix describing the given mapping in terms of homogeneous Cartesian coordinates.

On the matrix form of Kronecker lemma

João Lita da Silva, António Manuel Oliveira (2009)

Discussiones Mathematicae Probability and Statistics

A matrix generalization of Kronecker's lemma is presented with assumptions that make it possible not only the unboundedness of the condition number considered by Anderson and Moore (1976) but also other sequences of real matrices, not necessarily monotone increasing, symmetric and nonnegative definite. A useful matrix decomposition and a well-known equivalent result about convergent series are used in this generalization.

On the matrix negative Pell equation

Aleksander Grytczuk, Izabela Kurzydło (2009)

Discussiones Mathematicae - General Algebra and Applications

Let N be a set of natural numbers and Z be a set of integers. Let M₂(Z) denotes the set of all 2x2 matrices with integer entries. We give necessary and suficient conditions for solvability of the matrix negative Pell equation (P) X² - dY² = -I with d ∈ N for nonsingular X,Y belonging to M₂(Z) and his generalization (Pn) i = 1 n X i - d i = 1 n Y ² i = - I with d ∈ N for nonsingular X i , Y i M ( Z ) , i=1,...,n.

On the maximal subgroup of the sandwich semigroup of generalized circulant Boolean matrices

Jinsong Chen, Yi Jia Tan (2006)

Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal

Let n be a positive integer, and C n ( r ) the set of all n × n r -circulant matrices over the Boolean algebra B = { 0 , 1 } , G n = r = 0 n - 1 C n ( r ) . For any fixed r -circulant matrix C ( C 0 ) in G n , we define an operation “ * ” in G n as follows: A * B = A C B for any A , B in G n , where A C B is the usual product of Boolean matrices. Then ( G n , * ) is a semigroup. We denote this semigroup by G n ( C ) and call it the sandwich semigroup of generalized circulant...

Currently displaying 301 – 320 of 428