Exponential Riordan arrays and permutation enumeration.
We consider the primitive two-colored digraphs whose uncolored digraph has vertices and consists of one -cycle and one -cycle. We give bounds on the exponents and characterizations of extremal two-colored digraphs.
We extend a monotonicity result of Wang and Gong on the product of positive definite matrices in the context of semisimple Lie groups. A similar result on singular values is also obtained.
We give extensions of inequalities of Araki-Lieb-Thirring, Audenaert, and Simon, in the context of semisimple Lie groups.
Recently, Na Huang and Changfeng Ma in (2016) proposed two kinds of typical practical choices of the PPS method. In this paper, we extrapolate two versions of the PPS iterative method, and we introduce the extrapolated Hermitian and skew-Hermitian positive definite and positive semi-definite splitting (EHPPS) iterative method and extrapolated triangular positive definite and positive semi-definite splitting (ETPPS) iterative method. We also investigate convergence analysis and consistency of the...