Displaying 21 – 40 of 242

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Almost smooth algebras

Alfredo R. Grandjean, Maria J. Vale (1991)

Cahiers de Topologie et Géométrie Différentielle Catégoriques

Almost split sequences for non-regular modules

S. Liu (1993)

Fundamenta Mathematicae

Let A be an Artin algebra and let 0 X i = 1 r Y i Z 0 be an almost split sequence of A-modules with the Y i indecomposable. Suppose that X has a projective predecessor and Z has an injective successor in the Auslander-Reiten quiver Γ A of A. Then r ≤ 4, and r = 4 implies that one of the Y i is projective-injective. Moreover, if X j = 1 t Y j is a source map with the Y j indecomposable and X on an oriented cycle in Γ A , then t ≤ 4 and at most three of the Y j are not projective. The dual statement for a sink map holds. Finally, if an arrow...

Behavior of countably generated pure-projective modules.

Goro Azumaya (1992)

Publicacions Matemàtiques

We first prove that every countably presented module is a pure epimorphic image of a countably generated pure-projective module, and by using this we prove that if every countably generated pure-projective module is pure-injective then every module is pure-injective, while if in any countably generated pure-projective module every countably generated pure-projective pure submodule is a direct summand then every module is pure-projective.

Calabi-Yau stable module categories of finite type

Jerzy Białkowski, Andrzej Skowroński (2007)

Colloquium Mathematicae

We describe the stable module categories of the self-injective finite-dimensional algebras of finite representation type over an algebraically closed field which are Calabi-Yau (in the sense of Kontsevich).

Cartan matrices of selfinjective algebras of tubular type

Jerzy Białkowski (2004)

Open Mathematics

The Cartan matrix of a finite dimensional algebra A is an important combinatorial invariant reflecting frequently structural properties of the algebra and its module category. For example, one of the important features of the modular representation theory of finite groups is the nonsingularity of Cartan matrices of the associated group algebras (Brauer’s theorem). Recently, the class of all tame selfinjective algebras having simply connected Galois coverings and the stable Auslander-Reiten quiver...

Coherence relative to a weak torsion class

Zhanmin Zhu (2018)

Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal

Let R be a ring. A subclass 𝒯 of left R -modules is called a weak torsion class if it is closed under homomorphic images and extensions. Let 𝒯 be a weak torsion class of left R -modules and n a positive integer. Then a left R -module M is called 𝒯 -finitely generated if there exists a finitely generated submodule N such that M / N 𝒯 ; a left R -module A is called ( 𝒯 , n ) -presented if there exists an exact sequence of left R -modules 0 K n - 1 F n - 1 F 1 F 0 M 0 such that F 0 , , F n - 1 are finitely generated free and K n - 1 is 𝒯 -finitely generated; a left R -module...

Cohomologie locale de certains anneaux Auslander-Gorenstein.

Marie-Paule Malliavin (1992)

Publicacions Matemàtiques

We give axiomatic conditions in order to calculate the local cohomology of some idempotent kernel functors. These results lie in some new dimension introduced by T. Levasseur for Auslander-Gorenstein rings. Under some hypothesis, we generalize previous results.

Copure injective resolutions, flat resolvents and dimensions

Edgar E. Enochs, Jenda M. G. Overtoun (1993)

Commentationes Mathematicae Universitatis Carolinae

In this paper, we show the existence of copure injective preenvelopes over noetherian rings and copure flat preenvelopes over commutative artinian rings. We use this to characterize n -Gorenstein rings. As a consequence, if the full subcategory of strongly copure injective (respectively flat) modules over a left and right noetherian ring R has cokernels (respectively kernels), then R is 2 -Gorenstein.

Currently displaying 21 – 40 of 242