Character Modules
In a highly influential paper, Bidigare, Hanlon and Rockmore showed that a number of popular Markov chains are random walks on the faces of a hyperplane arrangement. Their analysis of these Markov chains took advantage of the monoid structure on the set of faces. This theory was later extended by Brown to a larger class of monoids called left regular bands. In both cases, the representation theory of these monoids played a prominent role. In particular, it was used to compute the spectrum of the...
Let M be a finitely generated module over an Artin algebra. By considering the lengths of the modules in the minimal projective resolution of M, we obtain the Betti sequence of M. This sequence must be bounded if M is eventually periodic, but the converse fails to hold in general. We give conditions under which it holds, using techniques from Hochschild cohomology. We also provide a result which under certain conditions guarantees the existence of periodic modules. Finally, we study the case when...
Starting from an arbitrary ring R we provide a systematic construction of ℤ/nℤ-graded rings A which are Frobenius extensions of R, and show that under mild assumptions, A is an Auslander-Gorenstein local ring if and only if so is R.
We describe the structure of artin algebras for which all cycles of indecomposable modules are finite and almost all indecomposable modules have projective or injective dimension at most one.
Comparing the bounded derived categories of an algebra and of the endomorphism algebra of a given support -tilting module, we find a relation between the derived dimensions of an algebra and of the endomorphism algebra of a given -tilting module.
We show here that a directing component of the Auslander-Reiten quiver of a quasitilted algebra is either postprojective or preinjective or a connecting component.
Let S = Σi=1n Rai be a finite normalizing extension of R and suppose that SM is a left S-module. Denote by crk(A) the dual Goldie dimension of the module A. We show that crk(RM) ≤ n · crk(SM) if either SM is artinian or the group homomorphism M → aiM given by x → aix is an isomorphism.
In this note we show that for a -module, in particular, an almost -tilting module, over a ring with such that has finite flat dimension, the upper bound of the global dimension of can be estimated by the global dimension of and hence generalize the corresponding results in tilting theory and the ones in the theory of -modules. As an application, we show that for a finitely generated projective module over a VN regular ring , the global dimension of its endomorphism ring is not more...
Let be a ring. A left -module is called an FC-module if is a flat right -module. In this paper, some homological properties of FC-modules are given. Let be a nonnegative integer and the class of all left -modules such that the flat dimension of is less than or equal to . It is shown that is a complete cotorsion pair and if is a ring such that and is closed under direct sums, then is a perfect cotorsion pair. In particular, some known results are obtained as corollaries....