Consistent algebras and special tilting sequences.
We compute the Coxeter polynomial of a family of Salem trees, and also the limit of the spectral radii of their Coxeter transformations as the number of their vertices tends to infinity. We also prove that if z is a root of multiplicities for the Coxeter polynomials of the trees respectively, then z is a root for the Coxeter polynomial of their join, of multiplicity at least where .
We describe the structure of artin algebras for which all cycles of indecomposable finitely generated modules are finite and all Auslander-Reiten components are semiregular.
We describe the structure of artin algebras for which all cycles of indecomposable modules are finite and almost all indecomposable modules have projective or injective dimension at most one.
We establish a decomposability criterion for linear sheaves on ℙn. Applying it to instanton bundles, we show, in particular, that every rank 2n instanton bundle of charge 1 on ℙn is decomposable. Moreover, we provide an example of an indecomposable instanton bundle of rank 2n − 1 and charge 1, thus showing that our criterion is sharp.
We prove that deformations of tame Krull-Schmidt bimodule problems with trivial differential are again tame. Here we understand deformations via the structure constants of the projective realizations which may be considered as elements of a suitable variety. We also present some applications to the representation theory of vector space categories which are a special case of the above bimodule problems.
In our recent paper (J. Algebra 345 (2011)) we prove that the deformed preprojective algebras of generalized Dynkin type ₙ (in the sense of our earlier work in Trans. Amer Math. Soc. 359 (2007)) are exactly (up to isomorphism) the stable Auslander algebras of simple plane singularities of Dynkin type . In this article we complete the picture by showing that the deformed mesh algebras of Dynkin type ℂₙ are isomorphic to the canonical mesh algebras of type ℂₙ, and hence to the stable Auslander algebras...