Displaying 161 – 180 of 384

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Nil-clean and unit-regular elements in certain subrings of 𝕄 2 ( )

Yansheng Wu, Gaohua Tang, Guixin Deng, Yiqiang Zhou (2019)

Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal

An element in a ring is clean (or, unit-regular) if it is the sum (or, the product) of an idempotent and a unit, and is nil-clean if it is the sum of an idempotent and a nilpotent. Firstly, we show that Jacobson’s lemma does not hold for nil-clean elements in a ring, answering a question posed by Koşan, Wang and Zhou (2016). Secondly, we present new counter-examples to Diesl’s question whether a nil-clean element is clean in a ring. Lastly, we give new examples of unit-regular elements that are...

Normability of an S-ring.

El-Miloudi Marhrani, Mohamed Aamri (1998)

Collectanea Mathematica

We give some criteria of normability of an S-ring, and we study the properties of its norms.

Note on strongly nil clean elements in rings

Aleksandra Kostić, Zoran Z. Petrović, Zoran S. Pucanović, Maja Roslavcev (2019)

Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal

Let R be an associative unital ring and let a R be a strongly nil clean element. We introduce a new idea for examining the properties of these elements. This approach allows us to generalize some results on nil clean and strongly nil clean rings. Also, using this technique many previous proofs can be significantly shortened. Some shorter proofs concerning nil clean elements in rings in general, and in matrix rings in particular, are presented, together with some generalizations of these results.

On a subset with nilpotent values in a prime ring with derivation

Vincenzo De Filippis (2002)

Bollettino dell'Unione Matematica Italiana

Let R be a prime ring, with no non-zero nil right ideal, d a non-zero drivation of R , I a non-zero two-sided ideal of R . If, for any x , y I , there exists n = n x , y 1 such that d x , y - x , y n = 0 , then R is commutative. As a consequence we extend the result to Lie ideals.

On a theorem of McCoy

Rajendra K. Sharma, Amit B. Singh (2024)

Mathematica Bohemica

We study McCoy’s theorem to the skew Hurwitz series ring ( HR , ω ) for some different classes of rings such as: semiprime rings, APP rings and skew Hurwitz serieswise quasi-Armendariz rings. Moreover, we establish an equivalence relationship between a right zip ring and its skew Hurwitz series ring in case when a ring R satisfies McCoy’s theorem of skew Hurwitz series.

On centralizers of semiprime rings

Borut Zalar (1991)

Commentationes Mathematicae Universitatis Carolinae

Let 𝒦 be a semiprime ring and T : 𝒦 𝒦 an additive mapping such that T ( x 2 ) = T ( x ) x holds for all x 𝒦 . Then T is a left centralizer of 𝒦 . It is also proved that Jordan centralizers and centralizers of 𝒦 coincide.

Currently displaying 161 – 180 of 384