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Dual modules and reflexive modules with respect to a semidualizing module

Lixin Mao (2024)

Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal

Let C be a semidualizing module over a commutative ring. We first investigate the properties of C -dual, C -torsionless and C -reflexive modules. Then we characterize some rings such as coherent rings, Π -coherent rings and FP-injectivity of C using C -dual, C -torsionless and C -reflexive properties of some special modules.

Dualité de Langlands quantique

Vadim Schechtman (2014)

Annales de la faculté des sciences de Toulouse Mathématiques

Un survol des conjectures de Drinfeld, Beilinson, Gaitsgory et al. et de résultats de Gaitsgory sur la correspondance de Langlands quantique.

Duality for CCD lattices.

Marmolejo, Francisco, Rosebrugh, Robert, Wood, R.J. (2009)

Theory and Applications of Categories [electronic only]

Duality for some free modes

Krzysztof J. Pszczoła, Anna B. Romanowska, Jonathan D.H. Smith (2003)

Discussiones Mathematicae - General Algebra and Applications

The paper establishes a duality between a category of free subreducts of affine spaces and a corresponding category of generalized hypercubes with constants. This duality yields many others, in particular a duality between the category of (finitely generated) free barycentric algebras (simplices of real affine spaces) and a corresponding category of hypercubes with constants.

Dualization in algebraic K-theory and the invariant e¹ of quadratic forms over schemes

Marek Szyjewski (2011)

Fundamenta Mathematicae

In the classical Witt theory over a field F, the study of quadratic forms begins with two simple invariants: the dimension of a form modulo 2, called the dimension index and denoted e⁰: W(F) → ℤ/2, and the discriminant e¹ with values in k₁(F) = F*/F*², which behaves well on the fundamental ideal I(F)= ker(e⁰). Here a more sophisticated situation is considered, of quadratic forms over a scheme and, more generally, over an exact category with duality. Our purposes are: ...

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