The low-dimensional homology of crossed modules.
The L-Theory of Laurent extensions and genus 0 function fields.
The Mal'tsev operation on extensions
The matching problem for behavioral systems
The maximality of the typed lambda calculus and of cartesian closed categories
The monad induced by the hom-functor in the category of topological spaces and its associated Eilenberg-Moore algebras.
The monoidal centre as a limit.
The Moore-Penrose inverse of a partitioned morphism in an additive category
The Mukai pairing. I: A categorical approach.
The natural number bialgebra
The Non-Simplicity of Certain Categories of Topological Spaces.
The notion of closedness in topological categories
In [1], various generalizations of the separation properties, the notion of closed and strongly closed points and subobjects of an object in an arbitrary topological category are given. In this paper, the relationship between various generalized separation properties as well as relationship between our separation properties and the known ones ([4], [5], [7], [9], [10], [14], [16]) are determined. Furthermore, the relationships between the notion of closedness and strongly closedness are investigated...
The Obstruction theory of Group Extensions and H^3(Q, A) in Abstract Categories
The Picard group of the Burnside ring.
The point of the empty set
The property for finite seminormal functors.
The pure-projective ideal of a module category
The -perfect morphisms.
The reflectiveness of covering morphisms in algebra and geometry.