The relative dihedral homology of involutive algebras.
Auslander’s representation dimension measures how far a finite dimensional algebra is away from being of finite representation type. In [1], M. Auslander proved that a finite dimensional algebra A is of finite representation type if and only if the representation dimension of A is at most 2. Recently, R. Rouquier proved that there are finite dimensional algebras of an arbitrarily large finite representation dimension. One of the exciting open problems is to show that all finite dimensional algebras...
Let be a prime number. This paper introduces the Roquette category of finite -groups, which is an additive tensor category containing all finite -groups among its objects. In , every finite -group admits a canonical direct summand , called the edge of . Moreover splits uniquely as a direct sum of edges of Roquette -groups, and the tensor structure of can be described in terms of such edges. The main motivation for considering this category is that the additive functors from to...
In this paper we construct the abelian stack of microlocal perverse sheaves on the projective cotangent bundle of a complex manifold. Following ideas of Andronikof we first consider microlocal perverse sheaves at a point using classical tools from microlocal sheaf theory. Then we will use Kashiwara-Schapira’s theory of analytic ind-sheaves to globalize our construction. This presentation allows us to formulate explicitly a global microlocal Riemann-Hilbert correspondence.
The paper studies the structure of functors in the category of functors from finite dimensional -vector spaces to -vector spaces, where is a finite functor and is the injective functor . A detection theorem is proved for sub-functors of such functors, which is the basis of the proof that the functors are artinian of type one.