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Injective models of G -disconnected simplicial sets

Marek Golasiński (1997)

Annales de l'institut Fourier

We generalize the results by G.V. Triantafillou and B. Fine on G -disconnected simplicial sets. An existence of an injective minimal model for a complete 𝕀 -algebra is presented, for any E I -category 𝕀 . We then make use of the E I -category 𝒪 ( G , X ) associated with a G -simplicial set X to apply these results to the category of G -simplicial sets.Finally, we describe the rational homotopy type of a nilpotent G -simplicial set by means of its injective minimal model.

Minimal finite models.

Barmak, Jonathan Ariel, Minian, Elias Gabriel (2007)

Journal of Homotopy and Related Structures

Minimal resolutions and other minimal models.

Agustí Roig (1993)

Publicacions Matemàtiques

In many situations, minimal models are used as representatives of homotopy types. In this paper we state this fact as an equivalence of categories. This equivalence follows from an axiomatic definition of minimal objects. We see that this definition includes examples such as minimal resolutions of Eilenberg-Nakayama-Tate, minimal fiber spaces of Kan and Λ-minimal Λ-extensions of Halperin. For the first one, this is done by generalizing the construction of minimal resolutions of modules to complexes....

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