Oriented singular homology.
We revisit the old result that biflat Banach algebras have the same cyclic cohomology as C, and obtain a quantitative variant (which is needed in separate, joint work of the author on the simplicial and cyclic cohomology of band semigroup algebras). Our approach does not rely on the Connes-Tsygan exact sequence, but is motivated strongly by its construction as found in [2] and [5].
We investigate the triangulated hull of orbit categories of the perfect derived category and the bounded derived category of a ring concerning the power of the suspension functor. It turns out that the triangulated hull corresponds to the full subcategory of compact objects of certain triangulated categories of periodic complexes. This specializes to Stai and Zhao’s result on the finite dimensional algebra of finite global dimension. As the first application, if , are flat algebras over a commutative...
Dans cet article, on construit une résolution injective explicite des puissances symétriques tordues dans la catégorie des foncteurs strictement polynomiaux. Cette construction généralise à toute caractéristique la construction donnée par Friedlander et Suslin en caractéristique 2.