Representations of and and the q-Schur algebra
From the combinatorial characterizations of the right, left, and two-sided Kazhdan-Lusztig cells of the symmetric group, “ RSK bases” are constructed for certain quotients by two-sided ideals of the group ring and the Hecke algebra. Applications to invariant theory, over various base rings, of the general linear group and representation theory, both ordinary and modular, of the symmetric group are discussed.
In this expository paper, we present several open problerns in number theory that have arisen while doing research in group theory. These problems are on arithmetical functions or partitions. Solving some of these problems would allow to solve some open problem in group theory.[Proceedings of the Primeras Jornadas de Teoría de Números (Vilanova i la Geltrú (Barcelona), 30 June - 2 July 2005)].
This is a survey paper on applications of the representation theory of the symmetric group to the theory of polynomial identities for associative and nonassociative algebras. In §1, we present a detailed review (with complete proofs) of the classical structure theory of the group algebra of the symmetric group over a field of characteristic 0 (or ). The goal is to obtain a constructive version of the isomorphism where is a partition of and counts the standard tableaux of shape ....
We discuss the existence of an orthogonal basis consisting of decomposable vectors for all symmetry classes of tensors associated with semi-dihedral groups . In particular, a necessary and sufficient condition for the existence of such a basis associated with and degree two characters is given.