Intersections of Finitely Generated Subgroups of Free Groups and Resolutions de Graphs.
2000 Mathematics Subject Classification: 20E18, 12G05, 12F10, 12F99.Given a profinite group Γ acting continuously on a discrete quasi-cyclic group A, certain classes of closed subgroups of Γ (radical, hereditarily radical, Kneser, almost Kneser, and hereditarily Kneser) having natural field theoretic interpretations are defined and investigated. One proves that the hereditarily Kneser subgroups of Γ form a closed subspace of the irreducible spectral space of all closed subgroups of Γ, and a hereditarily...
We describe finitely generated groups universally equivalent (with constants from in the language) to a given torsion-free relatively hyperbolic group with free abelian parabolics. It turns out that, as in the free group case, the group embeds into the Lyndon’s completion of the group , or, equivalently, embeds into a group obtained from by finitely many extensions of centralizers. Conversely, every subgroup of containing is universally equivalent to . Since finitely generated...
Let G be an infinite, locally soluble group which is isomorphic to all its nontrivial normal subgroups. If G/G' has finite p-rank for p = 0 and for all primes p, then G is cyclic.
Malnormal subgroups occur in various contexts. We review a large number of examples, and compare the general situation to that of finite Frobenius groups of permutations.In a companion paper [18], we analyse when peripheral subgroups of knot groups and -manifold groups are malnormal.