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The divisible radical of a group

B.A.F. Wehrfritz (2009)

Open Mathematics

We consider the existence or otherwise of canonical divisible normal subgroups of groups in general. We present more counterexamples than positive results. These counterexamples constitute the substantive part of this paper.

The endocenter and its applications to quasigroup representation theory

Jon D. Phillips, Jonathan D. H. Smith (1991)

Commentationes Mathematicae Universitatis Carolinae

A construction is given, in a variety of groups, of a ``functorial center'' called the endocenter. The endocenter facilitates the identification of universal multiplication groups of groups in the variety, addressing the problem of determining when combinatorial multiplication groups are universal.

The finite subgroups of maximal arithmetic kleinian groups

Ted Chinburg, Eduardo Friedman (2000)

Annales de l'institut Fourier

Given a maximal arithmetic Kleinian group Γ PGL ( 2 , ) , we compute its finite subgroups in terms of the arithmetic data associated to Γ by Borel. This has applications to the study of arithmetic hyperbolic 3-manifolds.

The p-period of an infinite group.

Xia Yining (1992)

Publicacions Matemàtiques

For Γ a group of finite virtual cohomological dimension and a prime p, the p-period of Γ is defined to be the least positive integer d such that Farrell cohomology groups Hi(Γ; M) and Hi+d(Γ; M) have naturally isomorphic ZΓ modules M.We generalize a result of Swan on the p-period of a finite p-periodic group to a p-periodic infinite group, i.e., we prove that the p-period of a p-periodic group Γ of finite vcd is 2LCM(|N(〈x〉) / C(〈x〉)|) if the Γ has a finite quotient whose a p-Sylow subgroup is elementary...

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