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k -free separable groups with prescribed endomorphism ring

Daniel Herden, Héctor Gabriel Salazar Pedroza (2015)

Fundamenta Mathematicae

We will consider unital rings A with free additive group, and want to construct (in ZFC) for each natural number k a family of k -free A-modules G which are separable as abelian groups with special decompositions. Recall that an A-module G is k -free if every subset of size < k is contained in a free submodule (we will refine this in Definition 3.2); and it is separable as an abelian group if any finite subset of G is contained in a free direct summand of G. Despite the fact that such a module G is...

(1,4)-groups with homocyclic regulator quotient of exponent p³

David M. Arnold, Adolf Mader, Otto Mutzbauer, Ebru Solak (2015)

Colloquium Mathematicae

The class of almost completely decomposable groups with a critical typeset of type (1,4) and a homocyclic regulator quotient of exponent p³ is shown to be of bounded representation type. There are precisely four near-isomorphism classes of indecomposables, all of rank 6.

A characterization of Ext(G,ℤ) assuming (V = L)

Saharon Shelah, Lutz Strüngmann (2007)

Fundamenta Mathematicae

We complete the characterization of Ext(G,ℤ) for any torsion-free abelian group G assuming Gödel’s axiom of constructibility plus there is no weakly compact cardinal. In particular, we prove in (V = L) that, for a singular cardinal ν of uncountable cofinality which is less than the first weakly compact cardinal and for every sequence ( ν p : p Π ) of cardinals satisfying ν p 2 ν (where Π is the set of all primes), there is a torsion-free abelian group G of size ν such that ν p equals the p-rank of Ext(G,ℤ) for every...

A characterization of sequences with the minimum number of k-sums modulo k

Xingwu Xia, Yongke Qu, Guoyou Qian (2014)

Colloquium Mathematicae

Let G be an additive abelian group of order k, and S be a sequence over G of length k+r, where 1 ≤ r ≤ k-1. We call the sum of k terms of S a k-sum. We show that if 0 is not a k-sum, then the number of k-sums is at least r+2 except for S containing only two distinct elements, in which case the number of k-sums equals r+1. This result improves the Bollobás-Leader theorem, which states that there are at least r+1 k-sums if 0 is not a k-sum.

A class of torsion-free abelian groups characterized by the ranks of their socles

Ulrich F. Albrecht, Anthony Giovannitti, H. Pat Goeters (2002)

Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal

Butler groups formed by factoring a completely decomposable group by a rank one group have been studied extensively. We call such groups, bracket groups. We study bracket modules over integral domains. In particular, we are interested in when any bracket R -module is R tensor a bracket group.

A constructive proof that every 3-generated l-group is ultrasimplicial

Daniele Mundici, Giovanni Panti (1999)

Banach Center Publications

We discuss the ultrasimplicial property of lattice-ordered abelian groups and their associated MV-algebras. We give a constructive proof of the fact that every lattice-ordered abelian group generated by three elements is ultrasimplicial.

A direct factor theorem for commutative group algebras

William Ullery (1992)

Commentationes Mathematicae Universitatis Carolinae

Suppose F is a field of characteristic p 0 and H is a p -primary abelian A -group. It is shown that H is a direct factor of the group of units of the group algebra F H .

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