Displaying 81 – 100 of 138

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Diffusion and propagation problems in some ramified domains with a fractal boundary

Yves Achdou, Christophe Sabot, Nicoletta Tchou (2006)

ESAIM: Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Analysis

This paper is devoted to some elliptic boundary value problems in a self-similar ramified domain of 2 with a fractal boundary. Both the Laplace and Helmholtz equations are studied. A generalized Neumann boundary condition is imposed on the fractal boundary. Sobolev spaces on this domain are studied. In particular, extension and trace results are obtained. These results enable the investigation of the variational formulation of the above mentioned boundary value problems. Next, for homogeneous...

Digit sets of integral self-affine tiles with prime determinant

Jian-Lin Li (2006)

Studia Mathematica

Let M ∈ Mₙ(ℤ) be expanding such that |det(M)| = p is a prime and pℤⁿ ⊈ M²(ℤⁿ). Let D ⊂ ℤⁿ be a finite set with |D| = |det(M)|. Suppose the attractor T(M,D) of the iterated function system ϕ d ( x ) = M - 1 ( x + d ) d D has positive Lebesgue measure. We prove that (i) if D ⊈ M(ℤⁿ), then D is a complete set of coset representatives of ℤⁿ/M(ℤⁿ); (ii) if D ⊆ M(ℤⁿ), then there exists a positive integer γ such that D = M γ D , where D₀ is a complete set of coset representatives of ℤⁿ/M(ℤⁿ). This improves the corresponding results of Kenyon,...

Dimension de Hausdorff de certains fractals aléatoires

Fathi Ben Nasr (1992)

Journal de théorie des nombres de Bordeaux

On construit des ensembles de Cantor aléatoires par partages successifs de rectangles, en partant d’un carré, (le nombre de divisions de la longueur peut être différent de celui de la largeur). La construction est stationnaire : elle fait intervenir des variables aléatoires indépendantes et équidistribuées. Sur ces ensembles il existe une mesure naturelle, μ , aléatoire elle aussi. Des résultats concernant les boréliens portant μ et leur dimension de Hausdorff ont déjà été obtenus par J. Peyrière...

Dimension Distortion by Sobolev Mappings in Foliated Metric Spaces

Zoltán M. Balogh, Jeremy T. Tyson, Kevin Wildrick (2013)

Analysis and Geometry in Metric Spaces

We quantify the extent to which a supercritical Sobolev mapping can increase the dimension of subsets of its domain, in the setting of metric measure spaces supporting a Poincaré inequality. We show that the set of mappings that distort the dimensions of sets by the maximum possible amount is a prevalent subset of the relevant function space. For foliations of a metric space X defined by a David–Semmes regular mapping Π : X → W, we quantitatively estimate, in terms of Hausdorff dimension in W, the...

Dimension of a measure

Pertti Mattila, Manuel Morán, José-Manuel Rey (2000)

Studia Mathematica

We propose a framework to define dimensions of Borel measures in a metric space by formulating a set of natural properties for a measure-dimension mapping, namely monotonicity, bi-Lipschitz invariance, (σ-)stability, etc. We study the behaviour of most popular definitions of measure dimensions in regard to our list, with special attention to the standard correlation dimensions and their modified versions.

Dimension of measures: the probabilistic approach.

Yanick Heurteaux (2007)

Publicacions Matemàtiques

Various tools can be used to calculate or estimate the dimension of measures. Using a probabilistic interpretation, we propose very simple proofs for the main inequalities related to this notion. We also discuss the case of quasi-Bernoulli measures and point out the deep link existing between the calculation of the dimension of auxiliary measures and the multifractal analysis.

Dimension of the harmonic measure of non-homogeneous Cantor sets

Athanasios Batakis (2006)

Annales de l’institut Fourier

We prove that the dimension of the harmonic measure of the complementary of a translation-invariant type of Cantor sets is a continuous function of the parameters determining these sets. This results extends a previous one of the author and do not use ergotic theoretic tools, not applicables to our case.

Dimensions des spirales

Yves Dupain, Michel Mendès France, Claude Tricot (1983)

Bulletin de la Société Mathématique de France

Dimensions of non-differentiability points of Cantor functions

Yuanyuan Yao, Yunxiu Zhang, Wenxia Li (2009)

Studia Mathematica

For a probability vector (p₀,p₁) there exists a corresponding self-similar Borel probability measure μ supported on the Cantor set C (with the strong separation property) in ℝ generated by a contractive similitude h i ( x ) = a i x + b i , i = 0,1. Let S denote the set of points of C at which the probability distribution function F(x) of μ has no derivative, finite or infinite. The Hausdorff and packing dimensions of S have been found by several authors for the case that p i > a i , i = 0,1. However, when p₀ < a₀ (or equivalently...

Currently displaying 81 – 100 of 138