Cantor sets in Prohorov spaces
We calculate the cardinal characteristics of the -ideal of Haar null subsets of a Polish non-locally compact group with invariant metric and show that . If is the product of abelian locally compact groups , then , , and , where is the ideal of Lebesgue null subsets on the real line. Martin Axiom implies that and hence contains a Haar null subset that cannot be enlarged to a Borel or projective Haar null subset of . This gives a negative (consistent) answer to a question of...
The purpose of this paper is to give a necessary and sufficient condition to define a category measure on a Baire topological space. In the last section we give some examples of spaces in these conditions.
We study a conditional Fourier-Feynman transform (CFFT) of functionals on an abstract Wiener space . An infinite dimensional conditioning function is used to define the CFFT. To do this, we first present a short survey of the conditional Wiener integral concerning the topic of this paper. We then establish evaluation formulas for the conditional Wiener integral on the abstract Wiener space . Using the evaluation formula, we next provide explicit formulas for CFFTs of functionals in the Kallianpur...