Application of Pettis integration to differential inclusions with three-point boundary conditions in Banach spaces.
The assertion every Radon measure defined on a first-countable compact space is uniformly regular is shown to be relatively consistent. We prove an analogous result on the existence of uniformly distributed sequences in compact spaces of small character. We also present two related examples constructed under CH.
We describe quantization designs which lead to asymptotically and order optimal functional quantizers for Gaussian processes in a Hilbert space setting. Regular variation of the eigenvalues of the covariance operator plays a crucial role to achieve these rates. For the development of a constructive quantization scheme we rely on the knowledge of the eigenvectors of the covariance operator in order to transform the problem into a finite dimensional quantization problem of normal distributions. ...
We show that in a countably metacompact space, if a Baire measure admits a Borel extension, then it admits a regular Borel extension. We also prove that under the special axiom ♣ there is a Dowker space which is quasi-Mařík but not Mařík, answering a question of H. Ohta and K. Tamano, and under P(c), that there is a Mařík Dowker space, answering a question of W. Adamski. We answer further questions of H. Ohta and K. Tamano by showing that the union of a Mařík space and a compact space is Mařík,...
We calculate the cardinal characteristics of the -ideal of Haar null subsets of a Polish non-locally compact group with invariant metric and show that . If is the product of abelian locally compact groups , then , , and , where is the ideal of Lebesgue null subsets on the real line. Martin Axiom implies that and hence contains a Haar null subset that cannot be enlarged to a Borel or projective Haar null subset of . This gives a negative (consistent) answer to a question of...
The purpose of this paper is to give a necessary and sufficient condition to define a category measure on a Baire topological space. In the last section we give some examples of spaces in these conditions.