Displaying 101 – 120 of 141

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On the directional entropy of ℤ²-actions generated by cellular automata

M. Courbage, B. Kamiński (2002)

Studia Mathematica

We show that for any cellular automaton (CA) ℤ²-action Φ on the space of all doubly infinite sequences with values in a finite set A, determined by an automaton rule F = F [ l , r ] , l,r ∈ ℤ, l ≤ r, and any Φ-invariant Borel probability measure, the directional entropy h v ( Φ ) , v⃗= (x,y) ∈ ℝ², is bounded above by m a x ( | z l | , | z r | ) l o g A if z l z r 0 and by | z r - z l | in the opposite case, where z l = x + l y , z r = x + r y . We also show that in the class of permutative CA-actions the bounds are attained if the measure considered is uniform Bernoulli.

On the entropy and generators of dynamical systems

Beloslav Riečan (1996)

Applications of Mathematics

Recently D. Dumitrescu ([4], [5]) introduced a new kind of entropy of dynamical systems using fuzzy partitions ([1], [6]) instead of usual partitions (see also [7], [11], [12]). In this article a representation theorem is proved expressing the entropy of the dynamical system by the entropy of a generating partition.

Poisson boundary of triangular matrices in a number field

Bruno Schapira (2009)

Annales de l’institut Fourier

The aim of this note is to describe the Poisson boundary of the group of invertible triangular matrices with coefficients in a number field. It generalizes to any dimension and to any number field a result of Brofferio concerning the Poisson boundary of random rational affinities.

Sequence entropy pairs and complexity pairs for a measure

Wen Huang, Alejandro Maass, Xiangdong Ye (2004)

Annales de l’institut Fourier

In this paper we explore topological factors in between the Kronecker factor and the maximal equicontinuous factor of a system. For this purpose we introduce the concept of sequence entropy n -tuple for a measure and we show that the set of sequence entropy tuples for a measure is contained in the set of topological sequence entropy tuples [H- Y]. The reciprocal is not true. In addition, following topological ideas in [BHM], we introduce a weak notion and a strong notion of complexity pair for a...

Spectrum of multidimensional dynamical systems with positive entropy

B. Kamiński, P. Liardet (1994)

Studia Mathematica

Applying methods of harmonic analysis we give a simple proof of the multidimensional version of the Rokhlin-Sinaǐ theorem which states that a Kolmogorov d -action on a Lebesgue space has a countable Lebesgue spectrum. At the same time we extend this theorem to -actions. Next, using its relative version, we extend to -actions some other general results connecting spectrum and entropy.

Spontaneous clustering in theoretical and some empirical stationary processes*

T. Downarowicz, Y. Lacroix, D. Léandri (2010)

ESAIM: Probability and Statistics

In a stationary ergodic process, clustering is defined as the tendency of events to appear in series of increased frequency separated by longer breaks. Such behavior, contradicting the theoretical “unbiased behavior” with exponential distribution of the gaps between appearances, is commonly observed in experimental processes and often difficult to explain. In the last section we relate one such empirical example of clustering, in the area of marine technology. In the theoretical part of the paper...

Currently displaying 101 – 120 of 141