Ganze Funktionen mit endlich vielen vorgeschriebenen asymptotischen Entwicklungen.
We study a generalized interpolation problem for the space H∞(B2) of bounded homomorphic functions in the ball B2. A sequence Z = {zn} of B2 is an interpolating sequence of order 1 if for all sequence of values wn satisfying conditions of order 1 (that is discrete derivatives in the pseudohyperbolic metric are bounded) there exists a function f ∈ H∞(B2) such that f(zn) = wn. These sequences are characterized as unions of 3 free interpolating sequences for H∞(B2) such that all triplets of Z made...
We consider a family of random walks killed at the boundary of the Weyl chamber of the dual of Sp(4), which in addition satisfies the following property: for any n ≥ 3, there is in this family a walk associated with a reflection group of order 2n. Moreover, the case n = 4 corresponds to a process which appears naturally by studying quantum random walks on the dual of Sp(4). For all the processes belonging to this family, we find the exact asymptotic of the Green functions along all infinite paths...
If p(z) be a polynomial of degree n, which does not vanish in |z| < k, k < 1, then it was conjectured by Aziz [Bull. Austral. Math. Soc. 35 (1987), 245-256] that [...] In this paper, we consider the case k < r < 1 and present a generalization as well as improvement of the above inequality.
We establish sufficient conditions on the two weights w and v so that the Beurling-Ahlfors transform acts continuously from to L²(v). Our conditions are simple estimates involving heat extensions and Green’s potentials of the weights.
A holomorphic family , |z|<1, of injections of a compact set E into the Riemann sphere can be extended to a holomorphic family of homeomorphisms , |z|<1, of the Riemann sphere. (An earlier result of the author.) It is shown below that there exist extensions which, in addition, commute with some holomorphic families of holomorphic endomorphisms of , |z|<1 (under suitable assumptions). The classes of covering maps and maps with the path lifting property are discussed.
Extending previous results of H. Salas we obtain a characterisation of hypercyclic weighted shifts on an arbitrary F-sequence space in which the canonical unit vectors form a Schauder basis. If the basis is unconditional we give a characterisation of those hypercyclic weighted shifts that are even chaotic.
Applying the “exact WKB method” (cf. Delabaere-Dillinger-Pham) to the stationary one-dimensional Schrödinger equation with polynomial potential, one is led to a multivalued complex action-integral function. This function is a (hyper)elliptic integral; the sheet structure of its Riemann surface above the plane of its values has interesting properties: the projection of its branch-points is in general a dense subset of the plane, and there is a group of symmetries acting on the surface. The distribution...
MSC 2010: 33E12, 30A10, 30D15, 30E15We consider some families of 3-index generalizations of the classical Mittag-Le²er functions and study the behaviour of these functions in domains of the complex plane. First, some inequalities in the complex plane and on its compact subsets are obtained. We also prove an asymptotic formula for the case of "large" values of the indices of these functions. Similar results have also been obtained by the author for the classical Bessel functions and their Wright's...
In 1945 the first author introduced the classes , 1 ≤ p<∞, α > -1, of holomorphic functions in the unit disk with finite integral (1) ∬ |f(ζ)|p (1-|ζ|²)α dξ dη < ∞ (ζ=ξ+iη) and established the following integral formula for : (2) f(z) = (α+1)/π ∬ f(ζ) ((1-|ζ|²)α)/((1-zζ̅)2+α) dξdη, z∈ . We have established that the analogues of the integral representation (2) hold for holomorphic functions in Ω from the classes , where: 1) , ; 2) Ω is the matrix domain consisting of those complex m...