Perturbation of Harmonic Spaces and Construction of Semigroups.
A certain linear growth of the pluricomplex Green function of a bounded convex domain of at a given boundary point is related to the existence of a certain plurisubharmonic function called a “plurisubharmonic saddle”. In view of classical results on the existence of angular derivatives of conformal mappings, for the case of a single complex variable, this allows us to deduce a criterion for the existence of subharmonic saddles.
L’article étudie le compactifié de Martin d’un domaine lipschitzien relativement à un opérateur elliptique à coefficients hödériens ; on étend aux fonctions -harmoniques et aux fonctions -harmoniques adjointes sur une estimation de -Carleson pour le cas , puis on établit un “principe de Harnack à la frontière” comparant l’allure à la frontière de fonctions -harmoniques sur . Conséquences : , et normalisée en ; un théorème de type Fatou-Doob sur l’existence de limites angulaires.On...
The main motivation for this work comes from the century-old Painlevé problem: try to characterize geometrically removable sets for bounded analytic functions in C.
We give a method for constructing functions and for which has a specified subharmonic minorant . By a theorem of B. Cole, this procedure establishes integral mean inequalities for conjugate functions. We apply this method to deduce sharp inequalities for conjugates of functions in the class , for . In particular, the case yields an improvement of Pichorides’ form of Zygmund’s classical inequality for the conjugates of functions in . We also apply the method to produce a new proof of the...