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Uniformization of the leaves of a rational vector field

Alberto Candel, X. Gómez-Mont (1995)

Annales de l'institut Fourier

We study the analytic structure of the leaves of a holomorphic foliation by curves on a compact complex manifold. We show that if every leaf is a hyperbolic surface then they can be simultaneously uniformized in a continuous manner. In case the manifold is complex projective space a sufficient condition is that there are no algebraic leaf.

Vector fields and foliations on compact surfaces of class VII 0

Georges Dloussky, Karl Oeljeklaus (1999)

Annales de l'institut Fourier

It is well-known that minimal compact complex surfaces with b 2 > 0 containing global spherical shells are in the class VII 0 of Kodaira. In fact, there are no other known examples. In this paper we prove that all surfaces with global spherical shells admit a singular holomorphic foliation. The existence of a numerically anticanonical divisor is a necessary condition for the existence of a global holomorphic vector field. Conversely, given the existence of a numerically anticanonical divisor, surfaces...

Vector fields, separatrices and Kato surfaces

Adolfo Guillot (2014)

Annales de l’institut Fourier

We prove that a singular complex surface that admits a complete holomorphic vector field that has no invariant curve through a singular point of the surface is obtained from a Kato surface by contracting some divisor (in particular, it is compact). We also prove that, in a singular Stein surface endowed with a complete holomorphic vector field, a singular point of the surface where the zeros of the vector field do not accumulate is either a quasihomogeneous or a cyclic quotient singularity. We give...

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