Plurifine potential theory
We give an overview of the recent developments in plurifine pluripotential theory, i.e. the theory of plurifinely plurisubharmonic functions.
We give an overview of the recent developments in plurifine pluripotential theory, i.e. the theory of plurifinely plurisubharmonic functions.
Let be a bounded hyperconvex domain in and set , j=1,...,s, s ≥ 3. Also let be the image of D under the proper holomorphic map π. We characterize those continuous functions that can be extended to a real-valued pluriharmonic function in .
We update the state of the subject approximately 20 years after the publication of T. Bloom, L. Bos, C. Christensen, and N. Levenberg, Polynomial interpolation of holomorphic functions in ℂ and ℂⁿ, Rocky Mountain J. Math. 22 (1992), 441-470. This report is mostly a survey, with a sprinkling of assorted new results throughout.
The paper deals with logarithmic capacities, an important tool in pluripotential theory. We show that a class of capacities, which contains the L-capacity, has the following product property: , where and are respectively a compact set and a norm in (j = 1,2), and ν is a norm in , ν = ν₁⊕ₚ ν₂ with some 1 ≤ p ≤ ∞. For a convex subset E of , denote by C(E) the standard L-capacity and by the minimal width of E, that is, the minimal Euclidean distance between two supporting hyperplanes in...