Displaying 81 – 100 of 147

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Some relations on Humbert matrix polynomials

Ayman Shehata (2016)

Mathematica Bohemica

The Humbert matrix polynomials were first studied by Khammash and Shehata (2012). Our goal is to derive some of their basic relations involving the Humbert matrix polynomials and then study several generating matrix functions, hypergeometric matrix representations, matrix differential equation and expansions in series of some relatively more familiar matrix polynomials of Legendre, Gegenbauer, Hermite, Laguerre and modified Laguerre. Finally, some definitions of generalized Humbert matrix polynomials...

Some relations satisfied by Hermite-Hermite matrix polynomials

Ayman Shehata, Lalit Mohan Upadhyaya (2017)

Mathematica Bohemica

The classical Hermite-Hermite matrix polynomials for commutative matrices were first studied by Metwally et al. (2008). Our goal is to derive their basic properties including the orthogonality properties and Rodrigues formula. Furthermore, we define a new polynomial associated with the Hermite-Hermite matrix polynomials and establish the matrix differential equation associated with these polynomials. We give the addition theorems, multiplication theorems and summation formula for the Hermite-Hermite...

Some sums of Legendre and Jacobi polynomials

Jan Gustavsson (2001)

Mathematica Bohemica

We prove identities involving sums of Legendre and Jacobi polynomials. The identities are related to Green’s functions for powers of the invariant Laplacian and to the Minakshisundaram-Pleijel zeta function.

Special Classes of Orthogonal Polynomials and Corresponding Quadratures of Gaussian Type

Milovanovic, Gradimir V., Cvetkovic, Aleksandar S. (2012)

Mathematica Balkanica New Series

MSC 2010: 33C47, 42C05, 41A55, 65D30, 65D32In the first part of this survey paper we present a short account on some important properties of orthogonal polynomials on the real line, including computational methods for constructing coefficients in the fundamental three-term recurrence relation for orthogonal polynomials, and mention some basic facts on Gaussian quadrature rules. In the second part we discuss our Mathematica package Orthogonal Polynomials (see [2]) and show some applications to problems...

Currently displaying 81 – 100 of 147