Displaying 101 – 120 of 147

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Special Functions and Pathways for Problems in Astrophysics: An Essay in Honor of A.M. Mathai

Haubold, Hans, Kumar, Dilip, Nair, Seema, Joseph, Dhannya (2010)

Fractional Calculus and Applied Analysis

The paper provides a review of A.M. Mathai's applications of the theory of special functions, particularly generalized hypergeometric functions, to problems in stellar physics and formation of structure in the Universe and to questions related to reaction, diffusion, and reaction-diffusion models. The essay also highlights Mathai's recent work on entropic, distributional, and differential pathways to basic concepts in statistical mechanics, making use of his earlier research results in information...

Specializations of one-parameter families of polynomials

Farshid Hajir, Siman Wong (2006)

Annales de l’institut Fourier

Let K be a number field, and suppose λ ( x , t ) K [ x , t ] is irreducible over K ( t ) . Using algebraic geometry and group theory, we describe conditions under which the K -exceptional set of λ , i.e. the set of α K for which the specialized polynomial λ ( x , α ) is K -reducible, is finite. We give three applications of the methods we develop. First, we show that for any fixed n 10 , all but finitely many K -specializations of the degree n generalized Laguerre polynomial L n ( t ) ( x ) are K -irreducible and have Galois group S n . Second, we study specializations...

Stokes matrices of hypergeometric integrals

Alexey Glutsyuk, Christophe Sabot (2010)

Annales de l’institut Fourier

In this work we compute the Stokes matrices of the ordinary differential equation satisfied by the hypergeometric integrals associated to an arrangement of hyperplanes in generic position. This generalizes the computation done by J.-P. Ramis for confluent hypergeometric functions, which correspond to the arrangement of two points on the line. The proof is based on an explicit description of a base of canonical solutions as integrals on the cones of the arrangement, and combinatorial relations between...

Currently displaying 101 – 120 of 147