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Polynomial Expansions for Solutions of Higher-Order Bessel Heat Equation in Quantum Calculus

Ben Hammouda, M.S., Nemri, Akram (2007)

Fractional Calculus and Applied Analysis

Mathematics Subject Class.: 33C10,33D60,26D15,33D05,33D15,33D90In this paper we give the q-analogue of the higher-order Bessel operators studied by I. Dimovski [3],[4], I. Dimovski and V. Kiryakova [5],[6], M. I. Klyuchantsev [17], V. Kiryakova [15], [16], A. Fitouhi, N. H. Mahmoud and S. A. Ould Ahmed Mahmoud [8], and recently by many other authors. Our objective is twofold. First, using the q-Jackson integral and the q-derivative, we aim at establishing some properties of this function with proofs...

q-Heat Operator and q-Poisson’s Operator

Mabrouk, Hanène (2006)

Fractional Calculus and Applied Analysis

2000 Mathematics Subject Classification: 33D15, 33D90, 39A13In this paper we study the q-heat and q-Poisson’s operators associated with the q-operator ∆q (see[5]). We begin by summarizing some statements concerning the q-even translation operator Tx,q, defined by Fitouhi and Bouzeffour in [5]. Then, we establish some basic properties of the q-heat semi-group such as boundedness and positivity. In the second part, we introduce the q-Poisson operator P^t, and address its main properties. We show...

Self-conjugate vector partitions and the parity of the spt-function

George E. Andrews, Frank G. Garvan, Jie Liang (2013)

Acta Arithmetica

Let spt(n) denote the total number of appearances of the smallest parts in all the partitions of n. Recently, we found new combinatorial interpretations of congruences for the spt-function modulo 5 and 7. These interpretations were in terms of a restricted set of weighted vector partitions which we call S-partitions. We prove that the number of self-conjugate S-partitions, counted with a certain weight, is related to the coefficients of a certain mock theta function studied by the first author,...

Several q -series identities from the Euler expansions of ( a ; q ) and 1 ( a ; q )

Zhizheng Zhang, Yang, Jizhen (2009)

Archivum Mathematicum

In this paper, we first give several operator identities which extend the results of Chen and Liu, then make use of them to two q -series identities obtained by the Euler expansions of ( a ; q ) and 1 ( a ; q ) . Several q -series identities are obtained involving a q -series identity in Ramanujan’s Lost Notebook.

Some new transformations for Bailey pairs and WP-Bailey pairs

James Mc Laughlin (2010)

Open Mathematics

We derive several new transformations relating WP-Bailey pairs. We also consider the corresponding transformations relating standard Bailey pairs, and as a consequence, derive some quite general expansions for products of theta functions which can also be expressed as certain types of Lambert series.

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