Second order boundary value problems with sign-changing nonlinearities and nonhomogeneous boundary conditions
The authors consider the boundary value problem with a two-parameter nonhomogeneous multi-point boundary condition
The authors consider the boundary value problem with a two-parameter nonhomogeneous multi-point boundary condition
The paper deals with the following second order Dirichlet boundary value problem with p ∈ ℕ state-dependent impulses: z″(t) = f (t,z(t)) for a.e. t ∈ [0, T], z(0) = z(T) = 0, z′(τ i+) − z′(τ i−) = I i(τ i, z(τ i)), τ i = γ i(z(τ i)), i = 1,..., p. Solvability of this problem is proved under the assumption that there exists a well-ordered couple of lower and upper functions to the corresponding Dirichlet problem without impulses.
We derive monotonicity results for solutions of ordinary differential inequalities of second order in ordered normed spaces with respect to the boundary values. As a consequence, we get an existence theorem for the Dirichlet boundary value problem by means of a variant of Tarski's Fixed Point Theorem.
In this study, we establish existence and uniqueness theorems for solutions of second order nonlinear differential equations on a finite interval subject to linear impulse conditions and periodic boundary conditions. The results obtained yield periodic solutions of the corresponding periodic impulsive nonlinear differential equation on the whole real axis.
We show the existence result of viable solutions to the second-order differential inclusion ẍ(t) ∈ F(t,x(t),ẋ(t)), x(0) = x₀, ẋ(0) = y₀, x(t) ∈ K on [0,T], where K is a closed subset of a separable Banach space E and F(·,·,·) is a closed multifunction, integrably bounded, measurable with respect to the first argument and Lipschitz continuous with respect to the third argument.
Motivated by [3], we define the “Ambrosetti–Hess problem” to be the problem of bifurcation from infinity and of the local behavior of continua of solutions of nonlinear elliptic eigenvalue problems. Although the works in this direction underline the asymptotic properties of the nonlinearity, here we point out that this local behavior is determined by the global shape of the nonlinearity.
The aim of this paper is to investigate, as precisely as possible, a boundary value problem involving a third order ordinary differential equation. Its solutions are the similarity solutions of a problem arising in the study of the phenomenon of high frequency excitation of liquid metal systems in an antisymmetric magnetic field within the framework of boundary layer approximation.
Existence results are established for the resonant problem a.e. on with satisfying Dirichlet boundary conditions. The problem is singular since is a Carathéodory function, with a.e. on and .
We provide sufficient conditions for solvability of a singular Dirichlet boundary value problem with . ((u)) = f(t, u, u), u(0) = A, u(T) = B, . is an increasing homeomorphism, , , satisfies the Carathéodory conditions on each set with and is not integrable on for some fixed values of its phase variables. We prove the existence of a solution which has continuous first derivative on .
The paper deals with the singular nonlinear problem where , . We prove the existence of a solution to this problem which is positive on under the assumption that the function is nonnegative and can have time singularities at , and space singularity at . The proof is based on the Schauder fixed point theorem and on the method of a priori estimates.