A general approach for multiconfiguration method sin quantum molecular chemistry
We show that one can drop an important hypothesis of the saddle point theorem without affecting the result. We then show how this leads to stronger results in applications.
We use the work of Milton, Seppecher, and Bouchitté on variational principles for waves in lossy media to formulate a finite element method for solving the complex Helmholtz equation that is based entirely on minimization. In particular, this method results in a finite element matrix that is symmetric positive-definite and therefore simple iterative descent methods and preconditioning can be used to solve the resulting system of equations. We also derive an error bound for the method and illustrate...
We use the work of Milton, Seppecher, and Bouchitté on variational principles for waves in lossy media to formulate a finite element method for solving the complex Helmholtz equation that is based entirely on minimization. In particular, this method results in a finite element matrix that is symmetric positive-definite and therefore simple iterative descent methods and preconditioning can be used to solve the resulting system of equations. We also derive an error bound for the method and illustrate...
It is shown that when in a higher order variational principle one fixes fields at the boundary leaving the field derivatives unconstrained, then the variational principle (in particular the solution space) is not invariant with respect to the addition of boundary terms to the action, as it happens instead when the correct procedure is applied. Examples are considered to show how leaving derivatives of fields unconstrained affects the physical interpretation of the model. This is justified in particular...
This paper is devoted to a conditional stability estimate related to the ill-posed Cauchy problems for the Laplace's equation in domains with C1,1 boundary. It is an extension of an earlier result of [Phung, ESAIM: COCV9 (2003) 621–635] for domains of class C∞. Our estimate is established by using a Carleman estimate near the boundary in which the exponential weight depends on the distance function to the boundary. Furthermore, we prove that this stability estimate is nearly optimal and induces...
In this paper, a hybrid regularizers model for Poissonian image restoration is introduced. We study existence and uniqueness of minimizer for this model. To solve the resulting minimization problem, we employ the alternating minimization method with rigorous convergence guarantee. Numerical results demonstrate the efficiency and stability of the proposed method for suppressing Poisson noise.