Continuous dependence of solutions to mixed boundary value problems for a parabolic equation.
For the Schrödinger equation, on a torus, an arbitrary non-empty open set provides control and observability of the solution: . We show that the same result remains true for where , and is a (rational or irrational) torus. That extends the results of [1], and [8] where the observability was proved for and conjectured for . The higher dimensional generalization remains open for .
In this paper we consider a smooth and bounded domain of dimension with boundary and we construct sequences of solutions to the wave equation with Dirichlet boundary condition which contradict the Strichartz estimates of the free space, providing losses of derivatives at least for a subset of the usual range of indices. This is due to microlocal phenomena such as caustics generated in arbitrarily small time near the boundary. Moreover, the result holds for microlocally strictly convex domains...
For a principal type pseudodifferential operator, we prove that condition implies local solvability with a loss of 3/2 derivatives. We use many elements of Dencker’s paper on the proof of the Nirenberg-Treves conjecture and we provide some improvements of the key energy estimates which allows us to cut the loss of derivatives from for any (Dencker’s most recent result) to 3/2 (the present paper). It is already known that condition doesnotimply local solvability with a loss of 1 derivative,...