Displaying 161 – 180 of 920

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Complex vector fields and hypoelliptic partial differential operators

Andrea Altomani, C. Denson Hill, Mauro Nacinovich, Egmont Porten (2010)

Annales de l’institut Fourier

We prove a subelliptic estimate for systems of complex vector fields under some assumptions that generalize the essential pseudoconcavity for CR manifolds, that was first introduced by two of the authors, and the Hörmander’s bracket condition for real vector fields.Applications are given to prove the hypoellipticity of first order systems and second order partial differential operators.Finally we describe a class of compact homogeneous CR manifolds for which the distribution of ( 0 , 1 ) vector fields satisfies...

Continuous dependence estimates for the ergodic problem of Bellman-Isaacs operators via the parabolic Cauchy problem

Claudio Marchi (2012)

ESAIM: Control, Optimisation and Calculus of Variations

This paper concerns continuous dependence estimates for Hamilton-Jacobi-Bellman-Isaacs operators. We establish such an estimate for the parabolic Cauchy problem in the whole space  [0, +∞) × ℝn and, under some periodicity and either ellipticity or controllability assumptions, we deduce a similar estimate for the ergodic constant associated to the operator. An interesting byproduct of the latter result will be the local uniform convergence for some classes of singular perturbation problems.

Control for Schrödinger operators on 2-tori: rough potentials

Jean Bourgain, Nicolas Burq, Maciej Zworski (2013)

Journal of the European Mathematical Society

For the Schrödinger equation, ( i t + ) u = 0 on a torus, an arbitrary non-empty open set Ω provides control and observability of the solution: u t = 0 L 2 ( 𝕋 2 ) K T u L 2 ( [ 0 , T ] × Ω ) . We show that the same result remains true for ( i t + - V ) u = 0 where V L 2 ( 𝕋 2 ) , and 𝕋 2 is a (rational or irrational) torus. That extends the results of [1], and [8] where the observability was proved for V C ( 𝕋 2 ) and conjectured for V L ( 𝕋 2 ) . The higher dimensional generalization remains open for V L ( 𝕋 n ) .

Currently displaying 161 – 180 of 920