Homogenization of a multidimensional periodic elliptic operator in a neighborhood of an edge of an inner gap.
Estimates for the combined effect of boundary approximation and numerical integration on the approximation of (simple) eigenvalues and eigenvectors of 4th order eigenvalue problems with variable/constant coefficients in convex domains with curved boundary by an isoparametric mixed finite element method, which, in the particular case of bending problems of aniso-/ortho-/isotropic plates with variable/constant thickness, gives a simultaneous approximation to bending moment tensor field and displacement...
Estimates for the combined effect of boundary approximation and numerical integration on the approximation of (simple) eigenvalues and eigenvectors of 4th order eigenvalue problems with variable/constant coefficients in convex domains with curved boundary by an isoparametric mixed finite element method, which, in the particular case of bending problems of aniso-/ortho-/isotropic plates with variable/constant thickness, gives a simultaneous approximation to bending moment tensor field and displacement...
In the case of an elastic strip we exhibit two properties of dispersion curves λn,n ≥ 1, that were not pointed out previously. We show cases where λ'n(0) = λ''n(0) = λ'''n(0) = 0 and we point out that these curves are not automatically monotoneous on . The non monotonicity was an open question (see [2], for example) and, for the first time, we give a rigourous answer. Recall the characteristic property of the dispersion curves: {λn(p);n ≥ 1} is the set of eigenvalues of Ap, counted with their...
This paper considers Schrödinger operators, and presents a probabilistic interpretation of the variation (or shape derivative) of the Dirichlet groundstate energy when the associated domain is perturbed. This interpretation relies on the distribution on the boundary of a stopped random process with Feynman-Kac weights. Practical computations require in addition the explicit approximation of the normal derivative of the groundstate on the boundary. We then propose to use this formulation in the...