Periodic and invariant measures for stochastic wave equations.
This paper is concerned with periodic solutions for perturbations of the sweeping process introduced by J.J. Moreau in 1971. The perturbed equation has the form where C is a T-periodic multifunction from [0,T] into the set of nonempty convex weakly compact subsets of a separable Hilbert space H, is the normal cone of C(t) at u(t), f:[0,T] × H∪H is a Carathéodory function and Du is the differential measure of the periodic BV solution u. Several existence results of periodic solutions for this...
We prove that Perron's method and the method of half-relaxed limits of Barles-Perthame works for the so called B-continuous viscosity solutions of a large class of fully nonlinear unbounded partial differential equations in Hilbert spaces. Perron's method extends the existence of B-continuous viscosity solutions to many new equations that are not of Bellman type. The method of half-relaxed limits allows limiting operations with viscosity solutions without any a priori estimates. Possible applications...
On prouve que le problème de Cauchy local pour l’équation d’onde sur-critique dans , , impair, avec et , est mal posé dans pour tout , où est l’exposant critique.
L'articolo riassume il quadro dei risultati noti circa il cosiddetto problema di Stefan con sopraraffreddamento. Con ciò si intende in senso lato l'estensione del modello di Stefan a quei casi in cui la temperatura della fase liquida (solida) non è confinata al di sopra (sotto) di quella di cambiamento di fase, supposta costante. La nostra discussione è prevalentemente rivolta allo sviluppo di singolarità (non limitatezza della velocità dell'interfaccia, ecc.), al modo di prevederle, di prevenirle...
Let be a weak solution of a quasilinear elliptic equation of the growth with a measure right hand term . We estimate at an interior point of the domain , or an irregular boundary point , in terms of a norm of , a nonlinear potential of and the Wiener integral of . This quantifies the result on necessity of the Wiener criterion.
Starting with the computation of the appropriate Poisson kernels, we review, complement, and compare results on drifted Laplace operators in two different contexts: homogeneous trees and the hyperbolic half-plane.