-wave equations with orthogonal algebras: and reductions and soliton solutions.
The classical D’Alembert Hamiltonian model for a rotational oblate planet revolving near a «day-year» resonance around a fixed star on a Keplerian ellipse is considered. Notwithstanding the strong degeneracies of the model, stability results a là Nekhoroshev (i.e. for times which are exponentially long in the perturbative parameters) for the angular momentum of the planet hold.
For a topological group G we introduce the algebra SUC(G) of strongly uniformly continuous functions. We show that SUC(G) contains the algebra WAP(G) of weakly almost periodic functions as well as the algebras LE(G) and Asp(G) of locally equicontinuous and Asplund functions respectively. For the Polish groups of order preserving homeomorphisms of the unit interval and of isometries of the Urysohn space of diameter 1, we show that SUC(G) is trivial. We introduce the notion of fixed point on a class...
Let G be a locally compact second countable Abelian group. Given a measure preserving action T of G on a standard probability space (X,μ), let ℳ (T) denote the set of essential values of the spectral multiplicity function of the Koopman representation of G defined in L²(X,μ) ⊖ ℂ by . If G is either a discrete countable Abelian group or ℝⁿ, n ≥ 1, it is shown that the sets of the form p,q,pq, p,q,r,pq,pr,qr,pqr etc. or any multiplicative (and additive) subsemigroup of ℕ are realizable as ℳ (T)...