The K-property of N billiard balls II. Computation of neutral linear spaces.
We discuss the motion of the three-dimensional rigid body about a fixed point under the influence of gravity, more specifically from the point of view of its symplectic structures and its constants of the motion. An obvious symmetry reduces the problem to a Hamiltonian flow on a four-dimensional submanifold of ; they are the customary Euler-Poisson equations. This symplectic manifold can also be regarded as a coadjoint orbit of the Lie algebra of the semi-direct product group with its natural...
In questo lavoro si ricavano: 1) l'equazione d'onda linearizzata, 2) la formulazione Lagrangiana, 3) la formulazione Hamiltoniana, nella teoria della propagazione ondosa in un fluido comprimibile descritto dalle equazioni della magnetofluidodinamica ideale in presenza di corrente Hall.
Real-world medical decisions rarely involve binary Ðsole condition present or absent- patterns of patient pathophysiology. Similarly, provider interventions are rarely unitary in nature: the clinician often undertakes multiple interventions simultaneously. Conventional approaches towards complex physiologic derangements and their associated management focus on the frequencies of joint appearances, treating the individual derangements of physiology...
Let K be a complete, algebraically closed nonarchimedean valued field, and let φ(z) ∈ K(z) have degree d ≥ 2. We study how the resultant of φ varies under changes of coordinates. For γ ∈ GL₂(K), we show that the map factors through a function on the Berkovich projective line, which is piecewise affine and convex up. The minimal resultant is achieved either at a single point in , or on a segment, and the minimal resultant locus is contained in the tree in spanned by the fixed points and poles...
The classical output theorem for the M/M/1 queue, due to Burke (1956), states that the departure process from a stationary M/M/1 queue, in equilibrium, has the same law as the arrivals process, that is, it is a Poisson process. We show that the associated measure-preserving transformation is metrically isomorphic to a two-sided Bernoulli shift. We also discuss some extensions of Burke's theorem where it remains an open problem to determine if, or under what conditions, the analogue of this result...
A rational map ϕ: ℙ¹ → ℙ¹ along with an ordered list of fixed and critical points is called a totally marked rational map. The space of totally marked degree two rational maps can be parametrized by an affine open subset of (ℙ¹)⁵. We consider the natural action of SL₂ on induced from the action of SL₂ on (ℙ¹)⁵ and prove that the quotient space exists as a scheme. The quotient is isomorphic to a Del Pezzo surface with the isomorphism being defined over ℤ[1/2].