Displaying 201 – 220 of 517

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Meromorphic solutions of q-shift difference equations

Kai Liu, Xiao-Guang Qi (2011)

Annales Polonici Mathematici

We establish a q-shift difference analogue of the logarithmic derivative lemma. We also investigate the value distributions of q-shift difference polynomials and the growth of solutions of complex q-shift difference equations.

Monotonicity and comparison results for nonnegative dynamic systems. Part II: Continuous-time case

Nico M. van Dijk, Karel Sladký (2006)


This second Part II, which follows a first Part I for the discrete-time case (see [DijkSl1]), deals with monotonicity and comparison results, as generalization of the pure stochastic case, for stochastic dynamic systems with arbitrary nonnegative generators in the continuous-time case. In contrast with the discrete-time case the generalization is no longer straightforward. A discrete-time transformation will therefore be developed first. Next, results from Part I can be adopted. The conditions,...

Monotonicity and comparison results for nonnegative dynamic systems. Part I: Discrete-time case

Nico M. van Dijk, Karel Sladký (2006)


In two subsequent parts, Part I and II, monotonicity and comparison results will be studied, as generalization of the pure stochastic case, for arbitrary dynamic systems governed by nonnegative matrices. Part I covers the discrete-time and Part II the continuous-time case. The research has initially been motivated by a reliability application contained in Part II. In the present Part I it is shown that monotonicity and comparison results, as known for Markov chains, do carry over rather smoothly...

Multipoint boundary value problems for discrete equations

Pavel Drábek, Harold Bevan Thompson, Christopher Tisdell (2001)

Commentationes Mathematicae Universitatis Carolinae

In this work we establish existence results for solutions to multipoint boundary value problems for second order difference equations with fully nonlinear boundary conditions involving two, three and four points. Our results are also applied to systems.

Multisommabilité des séries entières solutions formelles d’une équation aux q -différences linéaire analytique

Fabienne Marotte, Changgui Zhang (2000)

Annales de l'institut Fourier

Nous introduisons une version q -analogue du procédé d’accélération élémentaire d’Écalle-Martinet-Ramis et définissons la notion de série entière G q -multisommable. Nous montrons que toute série entière solution formelle d’une équation aux q -différences linéaire analytique est G q -multisommable.

Multisummability for some classes of difference equations

Boele L. J. Braaksma, Bernard F. Faber (1996)

Annales de l'institut Fourier

This paper concerns difference equations y ( x + 1 ) = G ( x , y ) where G takes values in C n and G is meromorphic in x in a neighborhood of in C and holomorphic in a neighborhood of 0 in C n . It is shown that under certain conditions on the linear part of G , formal power series solutions in x - 1 / p , p N , are multisummable. Moreover, it is shown that formal solutions may always be lifted to holomorphic solutions in upper and lower halfplanes, but in general these solutions are not uniquely determined by the formal solutions.

Necessary and sufficient conditions for oscillations of delay partial difference equations

Bing Gen Zhang, Shu Tang Liu (1995)

Discussiones Mathematicae, Differential Inclusions, Control and Optimization

This paper is concerned with the delay partial difference equation (1) A m + 1 , n + A m , n + 1 - A m , n + Σ i = 1 u p i A m - k i , n - l i = 0 where p i are real numbers, k i and l i are nonnegative integers, u is a positive integer. Sufficient and necessary conditions for all solutions of (1) to be oscillatory are obtained.

Currently displaying 201 – 220 of 517