Displaying 61 – 80 of 693

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An example of a reflexive Lorentz Gamma space with trivial Boyd and Zippin indices

Alexei Karlovich, Eugene Shargorodsky (2021)

Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal

We show that for every p ( 1 , ) there exists a weight w such that the Lorentz Gamma space Γ p , w is reflexive, its lower Boyd and Zippin indices are equal to zero and its upper Boyd and Zippin indices are equal to one. As a consequence, the Hardy-Littlewood maximal operator is unbounded on the constructed reflexive space Γ p , w and on its associate space Γ p , w ' .

An exponential estimate for convolution powers

Roger Jones (1999)

Studia Mathematica

We establish an exponential estimate for the relationship between the ergodic maximal function and the maximal operator associated with convolution powers of a probability measure.

An improved bound for Kakeya type maximal functions.

Thomas Wolff (1995)

Revista Matemática Iberoamericana

The purpose of this paper is to improve the known results (specifically [1]) concerning Lp boundedness of maximal functions formed using 1 x δ x ... x δ tubes.

An improved maximal inequality for 2D fractional order Schrödinger operators

Changxing Miao, Jianwei Yang, Jiqiang Zheng (2015)

Studia Mathematica

The local maximal operator for the Schrödinger operators of order α > 1 is shown to be bounded from H s ( ² ) to L² for any s > 3/8. This improves the previous result of Sjölin on the regularity of solutions to fractional order Schrödinger equations. Our method is inspired by Bourgain’s argument in the case of α = 2. The extension from α = 2 to general α > 1 faces three essential obstacles: the lack of Lee’s reduction lemma, the absence of the algebraic structure of the symbol and the inapplicable...

An X-ray transform estimate in Rn.

Izabella Laba, Terence Tao (2001)

Revista Matemática Iberoamericana

We prove an x-ray estimate in general dimension which is a stronger version of Wolff's Kakeya estimate [12]. This generalizes the estimate in [13], which dealt with the n = 3 case.

Anisotropic Hölder and Sobolev spaces for hyperbolic diffeomorphisms

Viviane Baladi, Masato Tsujii (2007)

Annales de l’institut Fourier

We study spectral properties of transfer operators for diffeomorphisms T : X X on a Riemannian manifold X . Suppose that Ω is an isolated hyperbolic subset for T , with a compact isolating neighborhood V X . We first introduce Banach spaces of distributions supported on V , which are anisotropic versions of the usual space of C p functions C p ( V ) and of the generalized Sobolev spaces W p , t ( V ) , respectively. We then show that the transfer operators associated to  T and a smooth weight g extend boundedly to these spaces, and...

Approach regions for the square root of the Poisson kernel and boundary functions in certain Orlicz spaces

M. Brundin (2007)

Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal

If the Poisson integral of the unit disc is replaced by its square root, it is known that normalized Poisson integrals of L p and weak L p boundary functions converge along approach regions wider than the ordinary nontangential cones, as proved by Rönning and the author, respectively. In this paper we characterize the approach regions for boundary functions in two general classes of Orlicz spaces. The first of these classes contains spaces L Φ having the property L L Φ L p , 1 p < . The second contains spaces L Φ that...

Area integral estimates for higher order elliptic equations and systems

Björn E. J. Dahlberg, Carlos E. Kenig, Jill Pipher, G. C. Verchota (1997)

Annales de l'institut Fourier

Let L be an elliptic system of higher order homogeneous partial differential operators. We establish in this article the equivalence in L p norm between the maximal function and the square function of solutions to L in Lipschitz domains. Several applications of this result are discussed.

Currently displaying 61 – 80 of 693