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Two problems on doubling measures.

Robert Kaufman, Jang-Mei Wu (1995)

Revista Matemática Iberoamericana

Doubling measures appear in relation to quasiconformal mappings of the unit disk of the complex plane onto itself. Each such map determines a homeomorphism of the unit circle on itself, and the problem arises, which mappings f can occur as boundary mappings?

Two results on the Dunkl maximal operator

Luc Deleaval (2011)

Studia Mathematica

In this article, we first improve the scalar maximal theorem for the Dunkl maximal operator by giving some precisions on the behavior of the constants of this theorem for a general reflection group. Next we complete the vector-valued theorem for the Dunkl-type Fefferman-Stein operator in the d case by establishing a result of exponential integrability corresponding to the case p = +∞.

Two weight norm inequalities for fractional one-sided maximal and integral operators

Liliana De Rosa (2006)

Commentationes Mathematicae Universitatis Carolinae

In this paper, we give a generalization of Fefferman-Stein inequality for the fractional one-sided maximal operator: - + M α + ( f ) ( x ) p w ( x ) d x A p - + | f ( x ) | p M α p - ( w ) ( x ) d x , where 0 < α < 1 and 1 < p < 1 / α . We also obtain a substitute of dual theorem and weighted norm inequalities for the one-sided fractional integral I α + .

Two weight norm inequality for the fractional maximal operator and the fractional integral operator.

Yves Rakotondratsimba (1998)

Publicacions Matemàtiques

New sufficient conditions on the weight functions u(.) and v(.) are given in order that the fractional maximal [resp. integral] operator Ms [resp. Is], 0 ≤ s &lt; n, [resp. 0 &lt; s &lt; n] sends the weighted Lebesgue space Lp(v(x)dx) into Lp(u(x)dx), 1 &lt; p &lt; ∞. As a consequence a characterization for this estimate is obtained whenever the weight functions are radial monotone.

Two weighted inequalities for convolution maximal operators.

Ana Lucía Bernardis, Francisco Javier Martín-Reyes (2002)

Publicacions Matemàtiques

Let φ: R → [0,∞) an integrable function such that φχ(-∞,0) = 0 and φ is decreasing in (0,∞). Let τhf(x) = f(x-h), with h ∈ R {0} and fR(x) = 1/R f(x/R), with R &gt; 0. In this paper we characterize the pair of weights (u, v) such that the operators Mτhφf(x) = supR&gt;0|f| * [τhφ]R(x) are of weak type (p, p) with respect to (u, v), 1 &lt; p &lt; ∞.

Two-parameter Hardy-Littlewood inequalities

Ferenc Weisz (1996)

Studia Mathematica

The inequality (*) ( | n | = 1 | m | = 1 | n m | p - 2 | f ̂ ( n , m ) | p ) 1 / p C p ƒ H p (0 < p ≤ 2) is proved for two-parameter trigonometric-Fourier coefficients and for the two-dimensional classical Hardy space H p on the bidisc. The inequality (*) is extended to each p if the Fourier coefficients are monotone. For monotone coefficients and for every p, the supremum of the partial sums of the Fourier series is in L p whenever the left hand side of (*) is finite. From this it follows that under the same condition the two-dimensional trigonometric-Fourier series...

Two-parameter Hardy-Littlewood inequality and its variants

Chang-Pao Chen, Dah-Chin Luor (2000)

Studia Mathematica

Let s* denote the maximal function associated with the rectangular partial sums s m n ( x , y ) of a given double function series with coefficients c j k . The following generalized Hardy-Littlewood inequality is investigated: | | s * | | p , μ C p , α , β Σ j = 0 Σ k = 0 ( j ̅ ) p - α - 2 ( k ̅ ) p - β - 2 | c j k | p 1 / p , where ξ̅=max(ξ,1), 0 < p < ∞, and μ is a suitable positive Borel measure. We give sufficient conditions on c j k and μ under which the above Hardy-Littlewood inequality holds. Several variants of this inequality are also examined. As a consequence, the ||·||p,μ-convergence property of s m n ( x , y ) ...

Two-weight weak type maximal inequalities in Orlicz classes

Luboš Pick (1991)

Studia Mathematica

Necessary and sufficient conditions are shown in order that the inequalities of the form ϱ ( M μ f > λ ) Φ ( λ ) C ʃ X Ψ ( C | f ( x ) | ) σ ( x ) d μ , or ϱ ( M μ f > λ ) C ʃ X Φ ( C λ - 1 | f ( x ) | ) σ ( x ) d μ hold with some positive C independent of λ > 0 and a μ-measurable function f, where (X,μ) is a space with a complete doubling measure μ, M μ is the maximal operator with respect to μ, Φ, Ψ are arbitrary Young functions, and ϱ, σ are weights, not necessarily doubling.

Two-weighted estimates for generalized fractional maximal operators on non-homogeneous spaces

Gladis Pradolini, Jorgelina Recchi (2018)

Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal

Let μ be a nonnegative Borel measure on d satisfying that μ ( Q ) l ( Q ) n for every cube Q n , where l ( Q ) is the side length of the cube Q and 0 < n d . We study the class of pairs of weights related to the boundedness of radial maximal operators of fractional type associated to a Young function B in the context of non-homogeneous spaces related to the measure μ . Our results include two-weighted norm and weak type inequalities and pointwise estimates. Particularly, we give an improvement of a two-weighted result for certain...

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