O aproximací obrazu v Hilbertově transformací ortogonálními řadami racionálních lomených funkcí
Mark Kac gave an example of a function f on the unit interval such that f cannot be written as f(t)=g(2t)-g(t) with an integrable function g, but the limiting variance of vanishes. It is proved that there is no measurable g such that f(t)=g(2t)-g(t). It is also proved that there is a non-measurable g which satisfies this equality.
It is found that the asymptotical density of zeros of a system of orthogonal polynomials whose weight function belongs to a wide class of distribution functions has the expression ρ(x) = π-1 (1 - x2)-1/2. This result is shown in two completely different ways: (1) from a Szegö theorem and (2) from a Geronimus theorem and a finding recently obtained by the author in a context of Jacobi matrices.
In the paper, we prove two theorems on summability, , of orthogonal series. Several known and new results are also deduced as corollaries of the main results.
Condizione necessaria e sufficiente affinché una funzione rapidamente decrescente di variabile reale sia uniformemente analitica è che per i suoi coefficienti di Fourier-Hermite riesca per abbastanza piccolo.