Displaying 61 – 80 of 182

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Folner sets of alternate directed groups

Jérémie Brieussel (2014)

Annales de l’institut Fourier

An explicit family of Folner sets is constructed for some directed groups acting on a rooted tree of sublogarithmic valency by alternate permutations. In the case of bounded valency, these groups were known to be amenable by probabilistic methods. The present construction provides a new and independent proof of amenability, using neither random walks, nor word length.

Generalized notions of amenability for a class of matrix algebras

Amir Sahami (2019)

Commentationes Mathematicae Universitatis Carolinae

We investigate the amenability and its related homological notions for a class of I × I -upper triangular matrix algebra, say UP ( I , A ) , where A is a Banach algebra equipped with a nonzero character. We show that UP ( I , A ) is pseudo-contractible (amenable) if and only if I is singleton and A is pseudo-contractible (amenable), respectively. We also study pseudo-amenability and approximate biprojectivity of UP ( I , A ) .

Group C*-algebras satisfying Kadison's conjecture

Rachid El Harti, Paulo R. Pinto (2011)

Banach Center Publications

We tackle R. V. Kadison’s similarity problem (i.e. any bounded representation of any unital C*-algebra is similar to a *-representation), paying attention to the class of C*-unitarisable groups (those groups G for which the full group C*-algebra C*(G) satisfies Kadison’s problem) and thereby we establish some stability results for Kadison’s problem. Namely, we prove that A m i n B inherits the similarity problem from those of the C*-algebras A and B, provided B is also nuclear. Then we prove that G/Γ is...

Haar null and non-dominating sets

Sławomir Solecki (2001)

Fundamenta Mathematicae

We study the σ-ideal of Haar null sets on Polish groups. It is shown that on a non-locally compact Polish group with an invariant metric this σ-ideal is closely related, in a precise sense, to the σ-ideal of non-dominating subsets of ω ω . Among other consequences, this result implies that the family of closed Haar null sets on a Polish group with an invariant metric is Borel in the Effros Borel structure if, and only if, the group is locally compact. This answers a question of Kechris. We also obtain...

Inner amenability of Lau algebras

R. Nasr-Isfahani (2001)

Archivum Mathematicum

A concept of amenability for an arbitrary Lau algebra called inner amenability is introduced and studied. The inner amenability of a discrete semigroup is characterized by the inner amenability of its convolution semigroup algebra. Also, inner amenable Lau algebras are characterized by several equivalent statements which are similar analogues of properties characterizing left amenable Lau algebras.

Invariant means on a class of von Neumann algebras related to ultraspherical hypergroups

Nageswaran Shravan Kumar (2014)

Studia Mathematica

Let K be an ultraspherical hypergroup associated to a locally compact group G and a spherical projector π and let VN(K) denote the dual of the Fourier algebra A(K) corresponding to K. In this note, invariant means on VN(K) are defined and studied. We show that the set of invariant means on VN(K) is nonempty. Also, we prove that, if H is an open subhypergroup of K, then the number of invariant means on VN(H) is equal to the number of invariant means on VN(K). We also show that a unique topological...

Currently displaying 61 – 80 of 182