Characterization of moment multisequences by a variation of positive definiteness.
Motivated by some structural properties of Drury-Arveson d-shift, we investigate a class of functions consisting of polynomials and completely monotone functions defined on the semi-group ℕ of non-negative integers, and its operator-theoretic counterpart which we refer to as the class of completely hypercontractive tuples of finite order. We obtain a Lévy-Khinchin type integral representation for the spherical generating tuples associated with such operator tuples and discuss its applications.
By analyzing the connection between complex Hadamard matrices and spectral sets, we prove the direction "spectral ⇒ tile" of the Spectral Set Conjecture, for all sets A of size |A| ≤ 5, in any finite Abelian group. This result is then extended to the infinite grid Zd for any dimension d, and finally to Rd.